15 April 2020
New EPIC Program for Immunity BuildingTo overcome the Coronavirus crisis, one of the most important things we can do is to build up our immunity. GEP Founder His Holiness Swami Isa recommends building up three categories of immunity: Physical, Intellectual and Emotional. Psychoneuroimmunology research has indeed shown that positive thoughts and positive emotions have a significant effect upon immune function.
The Global Energy Parliament is offering a free online course for those at home to learn simple methods of building up immunity. The EPIC Program (which stands for Emotional, Physical and Intellectual Immunity against Coronavirus) is a three-week program consisting of online and offline classes, practice sessions, tips and techniques about good food, good thoughts and good emotions.
Classes begin on April 23, and are available in English, Spanish, German, and French. Learn more...
Sign up today!
06 April 2020
Global Leaders Welcome GEP recommendations on Corona CrisisThe Global Energy Parliament has been promoting recommendations for dealing with the Coronavirus to governments around the world, and has received warm replies.
The Prime Minister of India and the President of Spain both welcomed the suggestions for building physical, intellectual and emotional immunity.
The GEP is requesting governments to enhance public immunity now, to overcome the present crisis. Several easy techniques and recommendations are given that the public can do at home.
“It is important to use an integrated approach that enhances physical, intellectual and emotional immunity,” said the GEP Secretary.
The Prime Minister’s Office of India spoke by phone to the GEP last week, welcoming their recommendations.
The President of Spain has also written and expressed his appreciation for the suggested “measures to reduce the impact of the coronavirus in the population and improve the physical, intellectual and emotional immunity.”
A copy of the email from the President of Spain's office.
The Prime Minister of India and the President of Spain spoke by phone and discussed the utility of yoga and traditional herbal medicines to ensure the physical and psychological health of people confined to their homes.
"We are very happy about the support of these leaders. We expect more countries to come forward and implement our suggestions," said the GEP Secretary.
The State of Kerala, where the GEP headquarters are, has also received national and international appreciation for its early measures to contain, trace and test people with the virus. GEP sent a detailed letter to the Chief Minister of Kerala lauding its efforts and suggesting additional steps.
“In the long term, if we do not want to face such a crisis again, we must look at the root cause of the global problem and acknowledge that it is really a human-made disaster. The cause is wrong knowledge,” writes GEP Founder Swami Isa.
“Outer changes affect our inner self. We are presently living entirely in the outer world, and that is because education only focuses on knowledge about things outside of ourselves. When self-knowledge and worldly knowledge is integrated during education, this will be corrected.”
The Government of Kerala responded that the valuable suggestions were well noted.
Read the full recommendations sent to Governments
June 2 Update:
The President of the European Parliament, Hon. David Sassoli, has conveyed the following message:
01 April 2020
'Creative Confinement' by Swami IsaRecommendations during the Corona Crisis
by Jagadguru Swami Isa, Founder of the Global Energy Parliament
The noisy, turbulent world is compelled to be in a silent, solitary mode and this period must be fully utilized to build up physical, intellectual and mental immunity. Central and State Governments and voluntary organizations must play a leading role in executing this project.
Emotional conflicts adversely affect the immunity potential of the people.
By nourishing creative thought and outlook we can win over the current situation.
Swamiji is suggesting certain procedures to be followed during this period.
1. Physical Immunity
To build up physical immunity it is essential to take pure, and delicious food.
Health care workers of Government agencies must create awareness among the people about nourishing, immunity booster food items suggested by the Ayurveda system of medicine. A few examples: one tablespoon of honey and half tablespoon of ghee; Kushmanda (winter melon) rasayanam; milk boiled with ashwagandha choornam or turmeric; porridge with milk etc. Instead of fast-food packets people must turn to sattvic food of milk, fruits and vegetables.
Yoga techniques like veerasanam, pridhvi mudra, nadi sudhi, pranayamam, etc can be followed to lead a stress-free life.
2. Intellectual immunity
It has been scientifically proven that negative thoughts, emotions and attitudes of an individual will have unhealthy impact on his innate immunity.
We must see to it that those who are sick and those in quarantine are not subjected to frustrating news about death and disease. News about cure and well being can inspire a note of optimism among the people.
Meditation is the most sublime practice to build up immunity, nourish creative thought and activities. If concentration on a single thought is possible for twelve seconds it becomes a dharana; if the duration is multiplied by twelve, it becomes dhyana (attention can be focused on the flame of the lamp). By propagating meditation techniques power of concentration can be developed. Mantras produce sattvic sound, and the chanting of mantras can boost immunity.
Young people should be encouraged to focus their attention on art, literature and cinema and by applying modern technology venues can be formed to present their creations and can have a healthy competition.
Arrangements have to be made to see that those who have to live in quarantine do not suffer from mental depression. Social media can play a significant role in instilling hope and faith in such circumstances.
Certain norms of behaviour have been followed in India since Vedic period. We say Namaste to greet people, wash legs and hands before entering the house, and have rituals ensuring hygiene connected with death and funeral. The whole world, especially the new generation must be made aware of our traditional practices of hygiene.
3. Mental/emotional immunity
In order to create mental and emotional immunity it is essential to avoid unhealthy programmes in visual media. Mind has to be kept pure and pious as it is conducive to building up immunity as well as boosting life energy. It has been scientifically proved how the physical wellbeing of a person is closely linked with his intellectual and emotional health.
Television channels and electronic media can play a major role in providing programmes that promote positive thought and emotions.
Sublime values of human life like love, kindness, empathy are to be nourished in these difficult times and with this aim in view relevant schemes have to be designed and executed.
It would be a good idea to devise methods that will help the people to assess their physical, intellectual and emotional health and find ways and means to improve their creative power and learn how to boost their immunity. Every day, both morning and evening, we must find time to think and pray for the peace and happiness of every being in the universe. This will improve our emotional health.
Long-term Solutions
It is imperative that we think of long-term solutions and this is possible only by finding the root cause of the problem. It may seem like a natural phenomenon, but it is rooted in negative destructive thought.
It could be a deliberately created bio weapon, a product of trespassing into nature but is the inevitable result of distorted knowledge and defective system of education. In ancient days wars were fought face to face, then fought in the sky and ocean, and atomic weapons were believed to be the ultimate ones. Warfare has attained another dimension with bio-weapons, sowing disease and death on a scale beyond our imagination. The root cause can be traced to the selfish motive in the mind of man to attain supremacy by killing fellow human beings and destroying nature. Only the right system of education can wipe away the negative elements in the mental make-up of a human being. The loss of values in the system of education resulted in breaking the link between man and nature. In recognition of this sad predicament Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust gave shape to a Total Education scheme and founded Global Energy Parliament in the year 2010. The basic I-Theory has been discussed in GEP sessions conducted in various parts of the globe and practical models of I-Theory have been evolved.
While searching for long term solutions to the existing problems, the recommendations made by GEP need to be considered and we hope the Human Resource Ministry would look into the proposals submitted by Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust after conducting research programmes in executing the teaching methodology, Education for Total Consciousness.
We will overcome COVID19 but its damaging aftereffects will go on haunting us for a longer period, and we need to look for permanent solutions.
The physical reality of objects and events lie in the quantum theory of energy turning to matter. This quantum has a leg of vibration of three frequencies and that leg is I vibration, at greatest frequency it is black, at medium frequency, red and at the minimum frequency it is white. Thought dominated by black matter vibration leads to negative emotion and action and the white matter vibration dominated thought leads to positive thinking. The disastrous situation we are facing at present is the result of black matter dominated thought. The journey of a human being is from the blending of happy and sad vibrations to vibrationless total happiness. Man has forgotten the reality that life is not just birth and death. May solitude throw light onto the truth!
Swami Isa’s Recommended Daily Practice:
While expanding, I become the universe
The universe receding becomes I
When I neither expand nor recede I am Total Consciousness.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!
28 March 2020
'Energizing Solitude' by Swami IsaFrom the Madding Crowd to Energizing Solitude
by Swami Isa, Founder of the Global Energy Parliament
Man has been relentlessly engaged in adding colour and power in every realm of life and just by a turn of events, man the conqueror is now confined within the four walls of his shelter, struggling to save his own life. He is compelled to turn inwards, to realize the strength of solitude. Corona is on a rampant rage of destruction and its terrifying dance of death is driving man to seek refuge in his den. Highways emptied, boundaries closed, and man praying for his life is the scenario of the present day.
Man, readying himself for global warfare, has been equipping himself with chemical weapons and bio weapons. By a quirk of fate the slip of the skilled hands resulted in causing large scale destruction. This minute entity that cannot be seen with the naked eye has become the great leveler, sending shock waves of fear to every strata of society, from Heads of State to the wanderer in the street.
This is not an unexpected disaster. It is the tragedy of not imparting to man the thought, emotion and action conducive to nurture the humane quality in man. A system of education that promotes materialistic tendencies will instill in man the idea that the treasures of the outside world must be gained at any cost. This perspective of the parents is passed on even in the fetal stage of an individual.
Man has to realize the significance of the outside world in shaping his life from embryonic stage to a full-fledged individual. He must realize that whatever is outside is within him also. This lesson is taught to people regardless of class or status by the microscopic virus, Corona.
It is high time to be aware of the situation for it is the absence of a system of Education for Total Consciousness that is responsible for the origin of dark entities like Coronavirus.
As no antidote has been developed to treat Corona, man has to boost his immunity, immunity of body mind and intellect by having good food, good thought and good emotion. Life energy has to be empowered by following an appropriate lifestyle.
Man, in his desire to be part of the crowd, leaves behind the peace and quiet of solitude.
The predicament that man facing at present is his inability to identify the missing elements in his mental makeup that stand in the way of enjoying total happiness. How to bring about a change in this situation?
As an answer to this question, a new educational concept, “Education for Total Consciousness,” was showcased before the world. In this teaching methodology, objective knowledge and subjective knowledge become a single stream of learning. But this methodology has not yet reached the general public and in order to forestall another Corona-Kurukshetra-like situation, system of education has to be revamped. Education must create individuals with total awareness, and the Education for Total Consciousness teaching methodology offers the right solution. The Global Energy Parliament aims at reaching this concept to statesmen, scientists, literati, lawyers and all classes of society. We have to focus on molding people who will not turn into disasters themselves, and this is better than being engaged in disaster management later on.
The modern world is familiar with the concept of quantum energy which is the storehouse of all information. Each leg of quantum energy is made of vibrating energy. The single basic vibration can be called I. The universe including myself originates, exists and dissolves in this I-vibration. The middle frequency of this I is the Red Matter that exhorts us to engage in action, the white matter of lesser frequency helps us to exist and the Black Matter is behind the creation of highest frequency.
Everything in the universe is created by constituting the I-particle which is the sum total of red, white and black matter.
The quality of the object is decided by the variation in the arrangement of I-particles.
For a peaceful and pure existence White Matter plays the major role, but in the present-day man White Matter is less in body, thought and emotion—and this results in grief.
Fear increases in proportion to the increase of Dark Matter and this is the reason why even people who attained the heights of education become victims of fear. The remedy lies in adding more light and not in fearing darkness. A long term effort is essential to carry out this process and any delay would endanger the very existence of mankind.
Human life has to be in a balanced state of White and Black Matter; increase in Black Matter would turn men into beasts and demons. Increase in White Matter would turn man divine, blessed with a sublime life. Man has in him the potential to become god, demon or beast.
The flame of a lamp could turn Black, Red or White.
If man can light the lamp of his Consciousness with the wick of good thought and the oil of good emotion, his life would become complete. Negative thought would bring in darkness. Bright and pure thought is essential to keep away a dark world. Good thought will make everything good. The medium of Corona thought would lead to bitter battles. To remedy the situation, we need to build up our immunity--immunity formed by pure food, pure thought and pure emotion. The mantra should be: “Physical, intellectual, emotional purity. The single remedy, purity.”
Let us take the pledge to turn our solitude into the path to attain purity, the creation of a society of pure human beings. May Corona be a turning point in our lives.
22 March 2020
COVID-19 Recommendations to GovtsThe Global Energy Parliament and the founder, His Holiness Swami Isa, are very concerned about the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the wellbeing of all beings on Earth.
We have written up a detailed report of science-based recommendations, steps that national governments can take in the short and long-term.
Please see a sample letter here:
GEP COVID-19 Recommendations to Governments
07 November 2019
9th Session of GEP Held in ThailandThe 9th Global Energy Parliament was held in Chiang Mai, Thailand on November 5, 2019 with participants and interfaith leaders from 21 countries. It was co-organized with the Christian Conference of Asia and the World Council of Churches’ Eco-School. GEP 2019 focused on the theme "Living in Harmony with Nature."
The GEP Founder, Jagadguru Swami Isa, set the tone with his Founder’s Address during the inaugural function. “All forms of life are closely bound with Nature, for there is no life without Nature and no Nature without life. The natural and social devastation which we see around us today is caused by a consumer thought culture which says that Nature is a product to be exploited, abused, and used in diverse ways,” he said. “Education which teaches that the individual is detached from his external world leads to this sorrow.”
Swami Isa introduced a new concept of sustainability by explaining Entropy and Negentropy and the need for them to be kept in balance. According to Swami Isa, negentropy is the creation of the gross or atomic world, and is black-matter dominated. Entropy is the dissolution of material into the subtle, or creation in the sub-atomic world. Both are two ends of an ongoing cycle. Entropy is white-matter dominated, as more repelling space energy is present. Negentropy is black-matter dominated because more attractive, dense energy is present.
“Today, everyone believes that development is urgent and inevitable, and they are racing for intensive creations of black matter. More cities, more roads, more houses, more luxury items. All this needs to be balanced with entropy, or white matter subtle creations,” said Swami Isa. “That is the way to true sustainability.”
Swami Isa also taught that these high scientific concepts need not elude the common man. He said that you can feel your own energy pattern and discern whether it is black or white matter dominated simply by putting your hand over your heart. When you smile, or when you get angry, you will feel the difference.
A televised inaugural address was delivered by the Minister of State for External and Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India, V. Muraleedharan who congratulated Swami Isa and the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust on its 9th parliament. The Minister pointed out that the theme of "Living in Harmony with Nature” was most appropriate given the contemporary challenges facing the world. He noted the contributions to this that India has made since ancient times. He said that the root cause of all this was disharmony in human living.
The Speaker of the GEP, Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose, noted the achievements of the GEP since its inception in 2000, and he lauded it for having provided a platform for transforming the ugliness of this world to create a ‘terrible beauty’ born out of such a convergence.
The Christian Conference of Asia Secretary General Dr. Mathews George Chunakara added that the affirmation of the GEP that “all human beings belong to one Earth, one Water, one Fire, one Air, and one Space,” and, “we are all global citizens sharing a common future”, captures the essence of true ecumenism. He noted that CCA was happy to host the parliament because of shared philosophy, ethos, and values with GEP.
Padmashree G. Shankar, an architect promoting harmony and sustainable living through designing and promoting eco- friendly architecture, delivered the Keynote aAddress.
Dr. Amnuay Tapingkae, President of the Payap University, was felicitated and awarded with the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust’s Vidya Award in recognition of his lifetime achievements and commitment to education. He spoke about his four decades of experience and his passion for promoting truth, love and service through education.
Following the inaugural function, the dignitaries together planted a tree on the university grounds.
The procedures of parliament were followed led by the Speaker Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose and Deputy Speaker Dr. Kiran Vyas. Three Bills and a dozen Submissions were presented and unanimously passed, on topics ranging from forestation, to women’s contribution to ecological justice, to water justice and self-sustained living. Several youth members made submissions and gave amendments.
“We can really feel the spirit of unity in this parliament,” said Elias Wolff, a Professor of Theology and member of the Ecumenical Water Network. He had forwarded a bill on Forestry related to the Amazon Rainforest in his own country of Brazil.
“We need more events like this. The world is in a crisis and people don’t even know it,” said Jon Jandai, the founder of the Pun Pun Centre for Self Reliance in Thailand. He had forwarded a proposal demanding that governments provide for the basic human rights to food, clothing, shelter and medicine and that humans get back to the basics in being able to know how to attain those for themselves.
The Bills and Resolutions which were passed on Living in Harmony with Nature are presently being communicated to all governments worldwide and international organizations.
02 September 2019
Fire in the Rainforest: How Changing our Diets can Contribute to Reducing Climate ChangeRainforests, Earth’s luminous jewels of positive energy, are essential to maintaining the harmony of the planet.
Due to their ability to absorb greenhouse gases, rainforests have enormous potential to fight climate change. They are home to millions of species of trees, plants, birds, animals and insects, as well as hundreds of indigenous human tribes. Half of the world’s terrestrial mammals live in rainforests (such as Bengal tigers, mountain gorillas, orangutans, and jaguars).1 They also play an essential role in adding to the Earth’s supply of freshwater--through the process of transpiration, rainforests add water to the atmosphere and increase rainfall. Many important life-saving medicines for humans are also sourced from rainforests.2
Global attention is now on the link between agricultural practices and deforestation of rainforests. The record number fires in the Amazon this year (more than 74,000) has been cause for great public concern, especially when it was learned that most of the fires were set deliberately by farmers to prepare the land for agriculture—mainly cattle. According to the World Bank, 80 percent of all converted lands in the Amazon rainforest is devoted to cattle ranching.3
Because cattle require open spaces to feed and grow, ranchers clear vast lands by burning forests, says Cameron Ellis, a Senior Geographer at The Rainforest Foundation.4 According to the Foundation, one person avoiding eating beef for a year saves approximately 3,432 trees—which presumably would have been cut from the dense forest for cattle rearing.5 While many parts of the Amazon rainforest are protected from deforestation, illegal activity is still widely practiced and seems to be increasing.6
Forests and rainforests are positive energy (white-matter) dominated and essential to maintaining the global energy balance, says the GEP Founder Swami Isa, author of the I-Theory. One of I-Theory’s main premises is that energy can be observed not just in its quantity but also in its quality. The interaction between the main qualities (positive, neutral and negative) contribute significantly to balance or imbalance on Earth and in the Universe.
At the 7th GEP session in Colombo on “Habitat Harmony” in 2016, Swami Isa provided I-Theory-based guidelines for maintaining a sustainable state. Every state / nation should have a minimum of 50% wild forest covering its land, with 30% agriculture and 20% of land use for human development. GEP’s international team of researchers applied this concept in the ‘Remoulding Kerala Sustainable State Model’, which was accepted by the Government of Kerala in 2019.
Untouched forest land is positive-energy/ white matter dominated, so the more forest, the more positive energy. Agricultural land, on the other hand, is neutral energy—red matter according to the I-Theory. Human living and infrastructure is black matter dominated, and human living land use should be restricted to no more than 20%.
Therefore when forests decrease to make way for agriculture, an energy shift happens. Drought, floods, and human conflict are some of the effects that can be easily observed within a short span of time.
Besides loss of forests, agriculture also contributes to higher greenhouse gas emissions (beef alone is also responsible for 41% of livestock greenhouse gas emission), higher water usage and water pollution.
In 2018 and 2019, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released reports stating that changing our diets (namely, eating less meat) would contribute 20% of the effort needed to keep global temperatures from rising 2°C above pre-industrial levels.7
Interestingly, new research published last year showed that if people eliminated meat and dairy from their diets, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% and still feed the world.8
Agriculture lands are so greatly required not only for the animals but also to grow their feed. Today Brazil has 24-25 million hectares devoted to soy, and is currently the second largest producer of soybeans in the world. But it’s not for human consumption--80% of the soy produced in the Amazon is grown to be cattle feed.9
Palm oil, used in many common processed foods, cosmetics and biofuels, is also causing concern to environmentalists in Brazil, but as of yet is not a major crop there.10 But unchecked expansion has pushed palm oil plantations into the heart of some of the world’s most culturally and biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth. “Palm oil requires tropical climates and it has already displaced massive areas of tropical rainforest in Indonesia and Malaysia,” says Yale University’s Global Forest Atlas.11
If we cannot directly change the conditions in the Amazon, choices we make in our daily lives do indirectly affect what happens there. Making an impact can be easy. Here are our suggestions:
* Lower your meat consumption. Reducing meat consumption is a good way to start impacting global agriculture and climate change. Many resources exist to help guide people from a more meat-based diet to a more plant-based one (search online for “vegetarian/vegan starter kit”). And we have pointed out before12, plants have more vital energy than meat, and more white matter in general, which contribute to greater positive energy in you!
* Plant Fruit Trees. Everywhere that humans live, we need to increase the white matter (i.e., positive energy), not just the Amazon. One easy way to do this is to plant fruit trees in urban areas13. Fruit trees also contribute to food security, healthy ecosystems, clean air, reducing global warming, and more beautiful cities. We recommend planting in home gardens, terraces, parks and along highways and railways. Contact us and we will help you work with your local government to get permission to plant in public places.
* Be Kind. Being kind to all humans, animals and plants is also one way to contribute to more white matter in the world. GEP has an International Kindness Club spreading more love in the world, and you can join it today!
1. https://www.businessinsider.in/unknown-facts-about-amazon-rainforest/articleshow/70800825.cms
2. https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/pictures/9-rainforest-facts-everyone-should-know
3. https://www.vice.com/en_in/article/bjwzk4/feeling-sad-about-the-amazon-fires-stop-eating-meat
4. As above
5. https://rainforestfoundation.org/agriculture/
6. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2019-why-amazon-rainforest-is-on-fire/)
7. https://www.ipcc.ch/2019/08/08/land-is-a-critical-resource_srccl/
9. https://globalforestatlas.yale.edu/amazon/land-use/soy
11. https://globalforestatlas.yale.edu/amazon/land-use-and-agriculture/biofuels)
12. https://www.global-energy-parliament.net/vegetarianism-jimenez
13. https://www.global-energy-parliament.net/one-house-one-fruit-tree
01 September 2019
GEP Germany Starts National Tree Planting InitiativeMembers of GEP Germany (GEP-Deutschlandzentrum) are living all over the country. For meeting each other in person at least once a year, they gather for spending a weekend together, strengthening their bonds and increasing the positive energy in the group. This year the members met in the beautiful city of Weimar, a place full of historical power by its former inhabitants Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller.
Not as poetically but more practically ambitioned, GEP-D expressed their own creativity in planting a walnut tree on the premises of the foundation "European Youth Education and Youth Meeting Centre Weimar" where they stayed. This donation was meant to set an example and to be a reminder of trees as sources of positive energy. Forests and rainforests are essential for maintaining the global energy balance, as GEP founder Swami Isa emphasizes.
Encouraged by this uplifting experience, the German Members decided to make this planting the prelude to a national initiative of fruit tree planting, following IVPT’s fruit tree planting project in India. More details will come soon on the GEP-D website.
Learn more about GEP’s fruit tree planting project.
14 August 2019
GEP jumps into action for Flood Relief againMembers of the Global Energy Parliament, together with the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, were quick to respond to the torrential rains and floods which affected Kerala State. They have been visiting slums areas and flood affected people to provide food kits, clothing, sanitary items, and household goods.
Materials are being collected at the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam and distributed to other parts of the state which are severely affected.
113 lives have been lost in this year's rains, landslides and floods. More than 34,000 houses have been damaged. All this while the memories of last year's devastating Kerala floods are still vivid.
10 August 2019
Remoulding Kerala cautions against construction and changes to hillsThe GEP's "Remoulding Kerala" international consortium of scientists and researchers is deeply saddened by the reoccurrence of floods in Kerala in 2019 after the devastating floods in 2018.
"Unfortunately, these incidents will recur until the root cause of the problem is addressed. Unsustainable development, especially imbalanced use of land in Kerala, contributes to the impact of the heavy rains," said Remoulding Kerala Project Coordinator Dr. Christophe Dumas.
Last year, the floods were devastating in the urban areas primarily beacuse of heavy rains and dam management. But this year, Kerala saw many landslides--more than 80 in 2 days. This is the effect of the devastation of the hills, Dr. Dumas said.
"When you remove the natural foundation by carving out hills for mines or roads, and when you destroy the natural vegetation and deep root systems which holds the soil into place, you are unknowingly creating a huge risk for the very people whose lives you say you want to improve."
Remoulding Kerala has created a Sustainable State Model calling for incremental changes in land use patterns, based on applications of the I-Theory. The I-Theory distinguishes itself because it identifies the quality as well as quantity of energy, and when applied, creates qualitative balance at the foundational level.
Photo Credit: The News Minute
17 July 2019
GEP Chairman Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair receives Vidya Award from IVPTThe Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust’s Vidya Award was given to GEP Chairman Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair in honour of his lifetime of outstanding contributions to the field of education. The Minister for Tourism, Shri. Kadakampally Surendran, presented the award and citation to Dr. Nair on July 16, 2019. It was during the Inaugural Function of the Education for Total Consciousness International Conference in Thiruvananthapuram.
An esteemed educationalist, Dr. Nair is the former Vice-Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, former Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kerala, and Chairman of the Global Energy Parliament.
Many of his former students were in attendance at the Conference, including Dr. S. Sreedevi and Dr. C.G. Ramachandran Nair, who felicitated him heartily and lauded his achievements.
Presentation of the Vidya Award Citation
Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair's Acceptance Speech
Left to right: Dr. S. Sreedevi, Prof. N. Radhakrishnan, Dr. Alok Kumar Gupta, Dr. M.R. Thampan, Dr C.P. Sreekantan Nair, Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair, Jagadguru Swami Isa, Dr. Christophe Dumas
16 July 2019
Education for Total Consciousness discussed by eminent educationalists at IVPT's International ConferenceThe Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, parent of the Global Energy Parliament, held an international conference on its "Education for Total Consciousness" method of education on July 16th, 2019 in Thiruvananthapuram.
Kerala Minister for Tourism and Devaswom, Shri. Kadakampally Surendran, inaugurated the conference. Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair, GEP Chairman, former Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University was the Chief Guest, and was presented with the IVPT’s Vidya Award.
In his inaugural address the Minister praised the innovative method of ETC and lauded the organization's commitment to rooting out social ills through total education.
“The philosophy of Education for Total Consciousness shifts the focus of education back to its noble goals, away from the modern trend of educational institutions becoming enterprises and degree factories,” he said. “It gives integrity, creativity and knowledge back to teachers. It gives students the joy in learning, self-confidence, and wisdom. I congratulate the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust on holding this conference, and welcome the international delegates to Kerala.”
The Minister lit the inaugural lamp, and each delegate in the hall was given a small lamp and the light was passed to all, symbolizing the light of knowledge.
GEP Founder Jagadguru Swami Isa gave the invocation address. He noted that "Everyone knows the endless problems plaguing modern education--eveywhere in the world. A large number of educational experiments have been carried out, and are still going on. But no one has addressed the root cause. Only Total Education, which links objective and subjective knowledge, can solve this."
Distinguished Gandhian educator Prof. N. Radhakrishnan gave the Keynote Address. Dr. S. Sreedevi, Former Principal, Govt Training College, Dr. C.P. Sreekantan Nair, Academic Director, PTM College and Dr. Alok Kumar Gupta, Regional Director, National Institute of Open Schools, Govt of India gave Felicitations and presented papers.
The forenoon session saw presentations on the Challenges Facing Teachers, Students and Parents. The Afternoon session focused on how the Education for Total Consciousness method addresses those challenges, and included a presentation on its comparison to Western educational methods, and an Education for Total Consciousness demonstration class.
GEP Members from Germany, France and India participated, including: Dr. Christophe Dumas, Head of Solar-Thermal Dept, CEA, France, Prof. R.L. Bindu, Head of Dept. of Education, University of Kerala, Mrs. Caroline Dumas, Teacher from France, Mrs. Franziska Guderle, Social Pedagogue from Germany, Mrs. Stephanie Pfeiffer, Diploma in Montessori, Germany, and Dr. Divya C. Senan, Professor, Dept of Education, University of Kerala and Mrs. Roshini, Teacher at Isa Viswa Vidyalayam made presentations.
The session was moderated by Dr. V. Reghu, Former Professor, Dean & Controller of Examinations, RGNIYD, Chennai. GEP Secretary Dr. M.R. Thampan gave the Welcome Address.
Hon. Minister Kadakampally Surendran and Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair lighting the Inaugural lamp
The IVPT's Vidya Award was presented to Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair by the Minister
Swami Isa spoke on the Education for Total Consciousness method
Light Ceremony
Caroline Dumas from France presenting a comparison between Western and Eastern modes of education
Dr. S. Sreedevi, Dr. V. Reghu, and Dr. C.P Sreekantan Nair.
16 July 2019
Coastal Sustainability proposal presented to GovernmentA method of making the coastlines of Kerala sustainable was presented by the Global Energy Parliament to the Government of Kerala on July 16, 2019 at the International Conference on Education. Dr. Christophe Dumas, GEP Research Centre Director from France and presented a paper and the proposal was given to the Minister for Tourism, Shri. Kadakampally Surendran.
The proposal applies the I-Theory to achieve ultimate balance of energy in materials to protect the coastline from the threats posed to it by heavy erosion, tsunami and storms. It proposes a scientifically designed greenwall and further measures to protect human habitations.
17 June 2019
Kindness Club Starting UpJune 17, 2019: The GEP is starting an International Kindness Club. The youth and children who had participated in the recent Essay Competition on Kindness are the Founding Members and Ambassadors of the Club. Anyone under the age of 25 is invited to participate in the Club.
The Club will meet regularly online and annually in person to carry out activities to uplift the suffering of others, and to spread more love, gentleness and care in the world.
The Club will be inaugurated by the Minister for Tourism, Govt of Kerala, at the 1st Remembrance Day of Mr. Sanal Kumar on June 22. Mr. Kumar was the former manager of the Global Energy Parliament and Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, who had dedicated his life to the service of both. In the words of the Speaker of our Parliament Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose, "Sanal was a kind soul. A silent worker, and very loveable.” In his memory the GEP is starting the Kindness Club to bring up the next generation to have these special qualities.
Update: The Kindness Club now has a webpage at: https://www.global-energy-parliament.net/intl-kindness-club
21 May 2019
United Nations 22nd Commission on Science & Technology for DevelopmentMay 21, 2019: Dr. Christophe Dumas, the GEP Research Centre Director, represented the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, the parent body of the Global Energy Parliament, in the twenty-second session of the United Nations’ Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) held in Geneva, Switzerland from 13 to 17 May 2019.
The CSTD is a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the United Nations focal point for science, technology and innovation for development. IVPT holds Consultative Status with ECOSOC.
The 22nd session focused on the impact of rapid technological change on sustainable development, and the role of science, technology and innovation in building resilient communities, including through the contribution of citizen science.
In his intervention, Dr. Dumas emphasized that while many new technologies were very promising for developing societies (such as predictions of natural disasters or communications technologies), the long-term impacts of any new tech should be carefully studied before implementing on a large scale. For example, the alternative currency Bitcoin consumes more electricity than 159 countries.
He also said that scientists are presently specialized in one field like medicine, mathematics, or ethnology, and a positive solution in one field is not necessarily positive for the other fields. There is an urgent need to have an holistic vision of the science.
“Because everything is energy, the science of energy unifies all other branches, and thus it is the ideal way of understanding and assessing impacts of new technologies in both qualitative and quantitative ways,” he said.
One of the hot topics of discussion at the meeting was artificial intelligence and the need to develop an Ethics Code for it. Dr. Dumas says that “AI can be useful in some ways, such as decision-making for agricultural purposes. It’s not necessarily good or bad in itself. Since it requires software and input, the quality of its output depends upon the human decisions made in the initial programming.”
At the meeting, the experts stated that there is a very urgent need to make ethical codes for AI because it is a quickly developing field and the consequences will have an enormous impact. "Until the world is able to assess quality of actions or technologies based on the I-particle frequency, we need things like extra education and ethical codes,” he said.
Next year there will be a focus on space technologies, which is another area of interest for the GEP. “We are very concerned about space pollution,” said Dr. Dumas.
Dr. Christophe Dumas with delegate at CSTD, Geneva
13 May 2019
Yoga Sadhana Camp to be held in JulyMay 13, 2019: GEP Founder Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa will be leading a 6-day international Yoga Sadhana Camp from July 16-21, 2019 at the Isalayam Ashram in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
Becoming a 'sustainable human being' is a matter of balancing our internal and external energies.
Gross, subtle and I-particle balancing in the human being can be learned by practicing yoga sadhana. For this reason, the GEP teaches yoga and meditation.
Other Yoga Camps are offered throughout the year, as well as Yoga Teacher Training (200 hour certificate courses).
Those wishing to join a camp or practice yoga sadhana in the Ashram may please contact isa.viswa(at)yahoo.co.in
07 May 2019
Youth Essay CompetitionMay 7, 2019: The Global Energy Parliament (GEP) invites its Youth Parliamentarians to join an exciting International Essay Competition on "Creating a Society Full of Kindness," which aims to inspire society to learn from young minds. It also helps us to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world. Send us your essays by June 1!
The Essay Competition is open for children up to 15, and youth up to 25 years of age, anywhere in the world. In addition to writing a 700-word essay, this competition also has an activity. You must carry out 10 acts of kindness to serve as an inspiration for your essay.
“Creating a Society Full of Kindness”
What does “Kindness” mean to you? How do you think we can create a kinder society?
** Youth members, think about: How can the “I-Theory” help you understand the science behind kindness? Watch this video
1. Register as a Member of the Students’ Energy Parliament, if you are not already.
2. In addition to writing an essay, there is also an activity. You should carry out ten acts of kindness, and then use your experience as inspiration in writing your essay (your essay does not need to be about your acts of kindness).
3. Submit your essay to GEP's Head Youth Coordinator in one of the following age categories: a) Children (ages up to 14); b) Youth (ages 15 - 25). [You must be born after June 15, 1993.]
4. Essays must be 700 words or less in English, French, Spanish, German or Japanese, excluding essay title and cover page. Essays may be typed or printed and sent by email by June 1, 2019 to info(at)global-energy-parliament.net.
5. A cover page should be included with (1) your name (2) category (Children or Youth) (3) age as of June 15, 2019 (4) gender (5) nationality (6) address (7) e-mail (8) phone number (9) school name (if applicable) (10) your essay title (11) language (12) word count (13) list of ten acts of kindness you performed (describe briefly).
6. Essays must be original and unpublished. Plagiarized entries will be rejected.
7. Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays are not accepted.
8. Copyright of the essays entered will be assigned to the organizer.
9. The Global Energy Parliament is acting as a Youth Coordinator for the Contest, and is not responsible for the decisions taken by the Jury.
Entries must be sent to the GEP Youth Coordinators by June 1, 2019.
The following awards will be given in the Children’s category and Youth category respectively:
1st Prize: Certificate, prize of approx. US$900 : 1 entrant
2nd Prize: Certificate, prize of approx. US$450 : 2 entrants
3rd Prize: Certificate and gift : 5 entrants
Honourable Mention: Certificate and gift : 25 entrants
* 1st prize winners will be invited to the award ceremony to be held in Tokyo, Japan (travel expenses paid). * Additional awards will be given, if applicable. * All prize winners will be announced on November 15, 2019. * Certificates and gifts will be mailed to the winners in December 2019. * Exact amount of Prize Money depends upon exchange rates. Current rates for 100,000 and 50,000 Japanese Yen are given as of May 2019.
Ricardo Jimenez-Gomez
Head Youth Coordinator
Global Energy Parliament
Whatsapp: +91 9497859337
29 March 2019
GEP's Sustainable State Model Presented to Kerala GovernmentMarch 29, 2019: The Kerala State Minister for Tourism, Mr. Kadakampally Surendran, said that the State Government will seriously consider the Global Energy Parliament’s Sustainable State Model, which is designed to bring about greater long-term, holistic and sustainable development of infrastructure and use of natural resources by applying His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa’s I-Theory. The Minister inaugurated the Global Energy Parliament’s ‘Remoulding Kerala Sustainable State Model’ project in Thiruvananthapuram on March 29th.
"I appreciate the sincere efforts of GEP to salvage Kerala from the aftermath of the floods and provide a long term sustainable solution for its maladies," said the Minister in his inaugural address.
"The international consortium formed by GEP meticulously evaluated the last 100 years' development in Kerala State and have formulated a Sustainable State Model. It is imperative that Kerala makes that kind of retrospection in the light of such a shocking experience, and I am glad that GEP has taken the initiative," he said. Scientists from India, France, Germany, Denmark, and Chile since the August 2018 floods had been analysing the development and land usage trends in Kerala.
"Once the Remoulding Kerala Sustainable State Model is implemented, Kerala can be positioned as a global leader for sustainable living...I extend all my support to this novel project," the Minister said.
GEP Secretary Dr. M.R. Thampan submitted the State Model Proposal to the Minister, to great applause.
The function also attended by esteemed dignitaries including Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament and Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations; Mr. Kummanam Rajasekharan, the former Governor of Mizoram State; and the Member of Kerala Legislative Assembly, Mr. C. Divakaran.
His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa gave the Invocation Address, emphasizing the importance for the State Government and the people to put effort into balancing energy, not only in terms of quantity but in quality for long-term sustainability. “Total happiness and total peace will only be achievable through scientifically grounded programs like the GEP’s Sustainable State Model. Qualitative and quantitative energy balance is the need of the hour,” he said.
The first step of implementation of the Sustainable State Model is proposed to be planting fruit-bearing trees in the tourist destinations, and along roads and railways. The fruits would be made freely available to tourists and the common people. The first phase, as suggested by the Minister, will commence at Veli and Akkulam Tourist Villages.
“This initiative has several benefits, including increasing green cover in the State, reducing the effects of climate change, creating interest in tourists about Kerala’s traditional trees, and developing a culture of protection of common property,” said Dr. B. Vijayakumar, a renowned economist and the former Principal of Kerala Institute of Travel and Tourism Studies.
Also recommended in the first steps of the Project would be to increase forest cover along the coastline, gradually shift buildings further away from the coastline, and to consolidate the areas for Government, education, housing, and industries.
One of the lead scientists for the project, Dr. Christophe Dumas, is the Head of the Dept. of Solar-Thermal Energy at CEA, Govt of France, the GEP Research Centre Director. He says, “We have recommended that the Sustainable State should have 50% forest cover, 30% agriculture cover, and 20% for human infrastructure. Presently Kerala has devoted 68% of land to agriculture, 25% to wildlife and forest, and 7% to human infrastructure. This will put a lot of pressure on the State’s resources and people in the long-term.”
“The entire Model is based on the theory of energy balance described in Swami Isa’s I-Theory,” he explained. Dr. Dumas and Swami Isa have recently co-authored an article in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, entitled “I Theory: A Quantum Unifying Theory?”
The Project Coordinator Dr. Marcus Guderle is the Chairman of GEP Germany. He has done site visits and mapped out the first Phase of the project to be implemented at Veli Tourist Village and Akkulam Tourist Village with various species of fruit trees, and developing the Phase II for implementation at a larger scale.
Prof. Dr. V. Unnikrishnan Nayar, Hon. Professor of Optoelectronics, University of Kerala and Dr. George Varghese, Former Director of the Kerala Council for Science, Technology and Environment, illustrated the importance of the I-Theory in the present scientific context. Dr. Srikumar Chattopadhyey, Scientist (Ret’d) from National Centre for Earth Science Studies also gave an addresses about the long-term implications of the GEP’s Sustainable State Model.
The function concluded with a delighteful Cultural Programme by the students of the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam, a pilot school for Education for Total Consciousnes, which celebrated the conclusion of its 21st year.
GEP Founder, His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa, spoke about the long-term benefits of balancing quality of energy in the State.
The Minister for Tourism, Kerala, Mr. Kadakampally Surendran, gave the Inaugural Address
Mr. C. Divakaran, Hon. Member of the Kerala Legislative Assembly, gave the Keynote Address
Mr. Kummanam Rajaeskharan, Former Governor of Mizoram, inaugurated the IVPT's Integrated Healthcare Consultancy
Dr. Shashi Tharoor inaugurated the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam's 21st Anniversary and presented a memento to the dance instructor
Students of the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam performed a traditional dance during the Cultural Programme
14 March 2019
We are at the United Nations Commission on the Status of WomenMarch 14, 2019: The Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, organizer of the Global Energy Parliament, is at the United Nations in New York for the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63). IVPT holds consultative status, as an NGO, to the United Nations ECOSOC and participates in UN meetings to advocate for GEP's resolutions on various issues influencing policy and to build relationships with likeminded NGOs and individuals. More than 5,000 NGOs are present at this world largest gathering on women's issues, and 200 country ministers have spoken in the event, which lasts from 11th to 22nd of March 2019.
CSW63 is discussing about social protection systems for women. In our written statement for CSW63 we said, "Social protection systems for women and girls should take into account not only physical protection but also emotional and intellectual protection.
"Society must also develop a greater understanding and appreciation for what womanhood is.
"If we want serious changes to society, we must implement changes at the root level, in education. A new method of education is crucial--an education where people, knowledge and the world outside are not mere objects but related to the subject (the learner). Education for Total Consciousness is such a complete system of education. It integrates both subjective and objective learning, and the learner becomes a real human being, aware of his/her connection to the universe, world, nation, society, and environment.
"Protection, empowerment, equality, compassion, love and service of, by, and for women, can become the life’s breath of the next generation if they are educated in this way. Therefore we strongly advocate that all nations, implement the Education for Total Consciousness teaching methodology in their schools."
The Global Energy Parliament includes discussion of these issues in its global sessions, as well as advocacy for changes to national and international policy.
26 February 2019
New "I-Theory" Article Published in Scientific Journal