Our Projects



Humans are, as a species, endowed with a great ability to think and reason, but increasingly, rather than using this ability to create a future that will benefit all of us, our selfish desires are addressed first. One acts according to what one knows, and therefore human knowledge is the most important ingredient to effect any kind of change. All other changes are superficial. However, most education systems today do not provide an entire view of who we are and what our world is, or how the two are connected.

A new holistic system of education based on total knowledge - achieved through an integration of the objective and subjective knowledge - is needed. It would bridge the gap between the outer and the inner and the ancient and the modern. This is what Swami Isa’s system of Education for Total Consciousness offers, and since the first session, our Members of Parliament have consistently recommended it as the means to create the future generations that the world desperately needs.

Members of Parliament have come to the conclusion that if the system of education is taken up globally, in a spirit of unity which embraces the reality that our shared humanity and futures are far more important than any differences between us, such a reorientation to education would re-establish the natural balance, peace and happiness on Earth.

In 2021, the Global Energy Parliament developed a Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness based on the philosophy and methodology of Education for Total Consciousness. The 127-page policy proposal covers all aspects of theory and global implementation of this new system of education. Emphasis is placed on learning from the prenatal stage to the end of life. An elaborated methodology of holistic teaching is given. The Periodic Table of the Elements would be extended to include the elementary particles. Pranic Science, the study of life energy, would be introduced into the curriculum. The foundations for a Universal University are laid, and much more. It presents a holistic, humanistic vision of education that will make any human being proud to be a member of the human race, inspired to do their duty, and satisfied by the peace and happiness that total knowledge brings.

In 1998, Swami Isa established a pilot school in Thiruvananthapuram implementing Education for Total Consciousness, which has won awards and accolades for its unique philosophy. The Isa Viswa Vidyalayam enrols students from pre-kindergarten to high school and is accredited by the Government of India.

A Raj Bhavan GEP Chair has been established at the Raj Bhavan of West Bengal as of 2024, serving as a cornerstone in promoting "Education for Total Consciousness" through a comprehensive approach that includes teaching, training, curriculum development, policy recommendations, and educational research. It will also promote research and partnerships on the I-Theory.

Certified teachers are trained how to implement Education for Total Consciousness in the classroom and lesson planning through ETC Teacher Training courses. The South Seas University will be offering an online ETC Teacher Training course for international students in 2025.

Isa Viswa Vidyalayam -'Education for Total Consciousness' Pilot School

Education Conferences

Raj Bhavan GEP Chair

Education for Total Consciousness Teacher Training

The Universal University (Upcoming)



The GEP Research Centre (GEPRC) is a network of international facilities and researchers developing a better understanding about the I-Theory and its applications.

Numerous papers have been published in international journals. Proposals based on our I-Theory research are also submitted to governments.

Kerala State’s government took up the GEPRC’s Sustainable State Model project based on calculating a more balanced use of land in the state.

GEP Research Centre

Sustainable State Model

Happiness and Well-being

GEP strives for sustained peace, health, prosperity and happiness as the end result of every activity that we do and every recommendation that we make. Our first responsibility on Earth is to stop contributing to the suffering of others, and the second is to actively create happiness and well-being for ourselves and for others.

One of the main contributing factors to our own happiness and well-being is to serve others. Our Members of Parliament are all engaged in service activities of various sorts, from providing food, clothing and shelter during natural disasters, to designing green technologies that can electrify rural areas.

The Isalayam Ashram at the headquarters offers 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training, and our yoga teachers offer Life for Total Consciousness Yoga-Meditation Courses in various locations worldwide.

Young Members of Parliament from all over the world decided to form an International Kindness Club to share ideas about how to spread kindness.

During Covid, our research team started working on understanding the subatomic implications of the virus while other Members offered practical help by producing handmade masks or visiting deprived areas to hand out Covid Care kits. Our yoga teachers offered a free program online called Emotional, Physical and Intellectual Immunity against Coronavirus (EPIC), developed by Swami Isa.

Due to increased global awareness about the environmental damage caused by the meat industry which gained prominence during the fires in the Amazon, and our own I-Theory-based research on the health benefits of a vegetarian diet, GEP began a program to promote the benefits of Vegetarian Living.

“Life for Total Consciousness” Yoga-Meditation Courses and Yoga Teacher Training

Emotional, Physical and Intellectual Immunity against Coronavirus

Covid-19 Research

International Kindness Club

Vegetarian Living


Part of what it means to live in balance is to create harmony between the outer world and the inner world. The I-Theory teaches us that we are a part of nature, just as nature is a part of us. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space are a part of everything; we are constantly exchanging these elements with the environment.

When humans are able to recognize this interconnection and bring themselves into balance with our environment, we will embrace different lifestyles and nurture different desires and connections. We will be able to live on Earth sustainably, in abundance and prosperity, with fulfilment and joy.  

GEP Members know that nature gives, but it also needs to be kept in balance. We are actively engaged in a variety of activities to promote living in harmony with nature. The search for a truly renewable energy that has zero negative effects on people and the environment has been a serious area of research for the GEP Research Centre since 2012. Several Renewable Energy Research projects are underway with patents filed and a joint cooperation with the Centre for Alternative and Atomic Energy (CEA), under the Government of France.

After the disastrous floods in Kerala of 2018, the GEP Research Centre launched a year-long project analyzing the land usage in the state, for designing a new Model of a Sustainable State based on the I-Theory. This proposal was applauded by the Government of Kerala in 2019.

Since 2015, we have been planting fruit trees and sharing the knowledge of mass fruit tree plantation worldwide since 2015, in the 'One House, One Fruit Tree' project. Members themselves are active in promoting home organic vegetable gardens.

Renewable Energy Research

Remoulding Kerala - Sustainable State Model

‘One House, One Fruit Tree’ project

Organic Home Vegetable Gardens





Evolution of the I-Theory cover

Human Manifesto Book

Unifying Vibration book cover

Releasing in 2023!


Evolution of the I-Theory

By Swami Isa

Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust




The Human Manifesto:

Global Education Policy

for Total Consciousness

By Swami Isa

Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, 2022


Available on Amazon

& Online Booksellers

The Unifying Vibration:

Collected Writings for

the Global Energy Parliament

By Swami Isa

Pentograph Publications, 2019

Available by order


Education for Total Consciousness book Education for Total Consciousness - Malayalam Sound: Wonder of Wonders book by Swami Isa

Education for Total Consciousness 

By Swami Isa

Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, 2016

English language.

Available by order





By Swami Isa

Priyadarshini Publications, 2010

Malayalam language.

Available by order


Sound: Wonder of Wonders 

By Swami Isa

Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, 2012

Available by order





“An analysis of SARS-CoV-2 on the molecular and subatomic levels through applied I-Theory” by H.H. Swami Isa and Christophe Dumas, published in Advances in Microbiology (2021)

"Entropy and Negentropy Principles in the I-Theory" by H.H. Swami Isa and Christophe Dumas, published in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology (2020)

"I-Theory: A Unifying Quantum Theory?" by H.H. Swami Isa and Christophe Dumas, published in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology (2019)



United Nations Participation

The Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, organizer of the Global Energy Parliament, has held Special Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2015. Representatives regularly participate in UN meetings and deliver written and oral statements promoting solutions for a more sustainable and peaceful world.

GEP promotes all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In our activities and recommendations, we place special emphasis on goal numbers 4 (Quality Education), 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy).


SDG 4 SDG 3 SDG 16 SDG 11 SDG 7