Acts of Parliament and Resolutions

Acts of Parliament and Resolutions have been presented to Parliament, discussed and passed by vote by the Members of Parliament. Final Acts and Resolutions are submitted annually before every national government, the United Nations, and other relevant international bodies.

Below are summaries of the detailed Acts and Resolutions. For more infomation about any of them, please contact us.

Jump to:

2023: Science and Faith
2022: Humane Digitalization
2021: The Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness
2020: The New Normal for the Post-Covid World
2019: Living in Harmony with Nature
2018: Sustainable State Model
2017: Ministries' Priorities
2016: Habitat Harmony
2016: Total Education
2015: Good Governance
2014: The Science of Peace
2013: Sustainable Economics
2012: Sound and the Living Universe
2011: Pathways to Sustainable Health
2010: First Global Energy Parliament


GEP 2023 


Resolutions on Science and Faith & the Universal University

Passed at the 13th GEP conducted at the Raj Bhavan of West Bengal, Kolkata from November 29-30, 2023



Recognizing that the division between faith and science has become a source of constant conflict in society, Members of Parliament the ‘Science and Faith Act of 2023.’ GEP calls upon governments and societies to remove the hard separation between science and faith and to embrace the power of both, to bring real progress, peace and sustainability to the world.

In ancient civilizations, science was an aspect of philosophy, and faith was an integral part of it. Philosophers who sought the truth of all things primarily used reason to more deeply understand what they observed, coupled with faith about what they could not directly observe, in order to do so.

The science behind thought and emotion, the factors present in science and faith, was explained in great detail through the I-Theory by GEP Founder Jagadguru Swami Isa:

Thought is an electromagnetic wave; its electrical field is information, and its magnetic field is emotion. Information and emotion are constantly giving rise to one another. Information is stored in binary format, a stable state. Emotions are chemical reactions, a process of change. The intensity of emotion during an experience determines the length of storage of information about it, i.e., the creation of short- and long-term memories. Memories and stored information, when used or recalled, in turn generate new emotions.

During a chemical transformation, the speed of change is very high. While this transformation is not always observable or explainable, it can be known. Knowing without being able to describe is one quality of faith. Once the transformation has completed, the result is stored as new information or binary digits—and then accessible to the realm of scientific observation.

These two are integral aspects of thought, and thus, science and faith, the former being based on information and the latter being based on emotion, are inseparable.

Considering this new concept of the interconnection between thought, emotion, science and faith, Members of Parliament called for a universal acceptance of the role that both science and faith play in government decision making, social progress, culture and human development.

The implications of this new orientation for each portfolio of government were outlined. A total of 22 resolutions were passed. 



In the interest of implementing the aims of the Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness passed in 2021, Members of Parliament propose the establishment of a model city based on new knowledge, called the Universal University, or ‘Universe-City’.

The Universe-City would implement the GEP’s key innovations in education, science and technology, sustainable economy, energy production, agriculture, habitat, and more. Through its specialized research and production centres on application of the I-Theory, new innovations in all sectors will be developed continuously.

People from all over the world would be invited to live in the Universe-City. As a city of harmony, knowledge and sustainability, it would provide a safe and peaceful living place for human co-existence, and lifelong education aimed at total happiness.

Members of Parliament resolved to gain public and private support from all nations for this endeavour at the earliest.



The Humane Digitalization Act of 2022

Passed at the 12th GEP conducted online from December 9-10, 2022


Recognizing the need for a comprehensive framework for the use of digitalization that puts happy, healthy and fulfilled humans at the centre, the Global Energy Parliament passed the Humane Digitalization Act of 2022.

‘Humane Digitalization’ means to have, on the whole, health, happiness and balance of all humanity at the core of the goals and outcomes of using digital tools. At a minimum, digital technologies should not disrupt the human energy system, societies, or the natural world. At best, they would specifically be designed to enhance health, happiness and balance of all people and nature.

A human being has highly refined gross (i.e., physical), subtle and causal systems based on a complex bio-genetic code (i.e., the DNA).  Artificial Intelligence, on the other hand, has only a binary code which is devoid of life. While AI has superior processing and analytical abilities, it has no capacity for feeling emotions or self-awareness. It is not, and can never be, a replacement for human contributions to a healthy and happy society, environment and world.

As such, the GEP calls for governments to set up a regulatory committee that would oversee a ‘Digital & AI Invention Assessment’ to analyse the positive and negative effects of any digital invention upon human users, society at large, and the natural world based on certain criteria and measurements. Inventions that are deemed harmful to any of the three should be prohibited by the government.
Ethical decision-making for digital technologies should be based on a training programme in humane digitalization for governments, industries, and the public.

Data collection shall not result in exploitative behaviour modification of individuals or societies (e.g., in advertisements or sales) nor be used for control or surveillance of the population.

More care shall be given to the observation of existing digital technologies and their effects upon the human energy system, society and the natural world. Those proven to have negative or harmful effects shall be discontinued.

Autonomous weapons and killer robots shall be banned from all domains, domestic and foreign. A global normative and operational framework regulation elaborated by the international community is needed.

Digital currency, both private (cryptocurrency) and nationalized (Central Bank Digital Currencies), shall be banned.

The digital influence is present in even the earliest stages of a child’s life, and hence digital learning has to be formatted to suit the physical, mental and intellectual development of a child and young adult. The settings and uses of digital devices for children should also undergo the assessment.

AI shall not be used to replace jobs which give emotional connection and support, work in direct contact with life in any form, are heavily reliant on decision-making, contribute to culture or art but technology can be used to aid or augment such jobs. Digitalization can be used to replace jobs which are abhorrent or harmful to humans.

A Global Constitution should be drawn up, in which all nations take part to enact globally binding laws for the welfare of humanity and the Earth. Its minimum responsibility is to provide the basic human needs for a healthy and happy life, including pure air, pure water, suitable clothing, housing, food, dignified livelihood, harmonious environment and community, and humane rulers.

Discussion on a Bill


The Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness

Passed at the 11th GEP conducted online from December 10-12, 2021


The Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness is a comprehensive education policy for the transformation of education worldwide into a humanistic, holistic, forward-looking form of education. Such an education is envisioned to transform society through individuals who are happy, healthy, and fulfilled and capable of living meaningful lives of peace.

Based on the philosophy of Education for Total Consciousness, which itself results from the implementation of GEP’s scientific foundation, the I-Theory, the 127-page Policy proposes a restructured, universal curriculum and pedagogy for lifelong learning. Stages of learning outlined reach from the prenatal development of a human being up to the end of life, focusing a strong bond between the trinity of the teacher, parents and student and a transdisciplinary approach which fosters a close relation between knowledge, skill and production for holistic, complete development. Moreover, The Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness introduces Pranic Science as a new branch of knowledge which holds the key to healthy growth and energy balance on every level of a human being’s existence.

The role of the teacher is redefined, relieved from the limited understanding of a mere labourer to recognizing their great responsibility of sharing total knowledge. At the same time, emphasis is placed on the continuous development of the teacher and the need for a standardized global teacher education. Professors, academics, and researchers trained in Education for Total Consciousness should be employed all over the world.

To meet the goals set out by the philosophy, pedagogy and curriculum of this Policy, the educational institution needs to be given a broader and more central role in a person's life and society. A single Universal University system with many branches to serve the Earth is necessary. It will provide education for an individual's whole life, without hard separations between the different stages of life and learning. It would be a network of financially self-sufficient, total educational institutions that provide optimal learning environments for promoting the health and wellbeing of every student.

The implementation of The Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness is envisioned to be overseen by a Global Education Council that shall consist of every nation’s head of government and education minister. The steps to implementation are scheduled for five-year, twenty-year and fifty-year targets.



Acts on the New Normal for the Post-Covid World

Passed at the 10th GEP conducted online on June 26, 2020



This Act suggests new guidelines and procedures to all nations during the Covid-19 pandemic and for post-pandemic times, that will develop a new field of medicine operating on the subatomic plane.  The concept of Entropy-Negentropy balance for health assessments is introduced. This new concept provides scientific insight into the effects of genetic manipulation through an assessment of the quantity of bosons and fermions. The application of the I-Theory is the appropriate basis for developing holistic, sustainable, balanced medical treatments for the Covid-19 virus.

Governments need to support a cultural and medical shift that reorients the concept of human health to being a balance between positive and negative energy, or a balance between Entropy (change of forms) and Negentropy (creation of forms). Going forward in the post-pandemic world, Governments have a moral imperative to deeply introspect about the effects of genetic manipulation on the subatomic plane, and to put into place strict legislation to curtail unnecessary genetic engineering which may have disastrous long-term effects, such as the consumption of GMO food.


All nations need to work together to plan for post-Covid times. The “new normal” ought to be a world of balance and harmony achieved by applying the science of energy.

National governments have the responsibility to create for themselves, and facilitate in others, a new habit of thinking and planning in the context of energy balance. The balance of a system is to be the end-goal of any new law, method, technology, procedure or action to be taken by government or its agencies. There needs to be an understanding amongst all decision-makers, political leaders, administrators, scientists, and the general public, that energy balance equals success and long-term sustainability, as well as the harmony and peacefulness of the individuals and the natural world affected by it. For this reason, each citizen should be encouraged to play a proactive part of the new visualization by embracing a self-sufficient lifestyle and the habit of creating inner and outer balance.


Guidelines and procedures are given for building individual health and immunity, creating harmony in the family and society and empowering families to be economically self-sufficient.

Steps should be taken to build physical, emotional and intellectual immunity through education, resources and access to materials and infrastructure that promote a healthy diet, routine and lifestyle; a positive entertainment and social interaction; techniques how to receive and share positive thoughts at the personal level, and also how to purify unwanted thoughts.

Governments have the obligation to intervene in economic recovery from the pandemic by supporting family-level production. National, State and Local Governments may implement programs for helping families to achieve economic self-sufficiency, using natural wealth to make family wealth.


Resolutions on Living in Harmony with Nature - The Interconnection Principle

Passed at the 9th GEP, held at Chiang Mai, Thailand on November 5, 2019



All forms of life are closely bound with nature; there is no life without nature, and no nature without life.  But modern humans are consumers, and to serve our insatiable appetites, nature is exploited, abused and consumed in diverse ways. The misconception that we are detached from the external world leads to sorrow and disrupts the natural rhythms.  

A higher natural law determines the rhythm of any natural system. The law is illuminated by the science of the I-Theory, which would allow for the qualities and quantities of energy in a system to be assessed and brought back into their natural balance of 50% of positive energy, 30% neutral energy and 20% negative energy.

Members resolved to introduce a new concept of sustainability as the balance of Entropy and Negentropy, which defines Negentropy as a black-matter dominated energy that is the creation of the gross/ atomic world. Entropy is defined as a white-matter dominated energy that is the dissolution of material into the subtle/sub-atomic world. As two ends of an ongoing cycle of creation and transformation, Entropy and Negentropy are part of the normal process of nature. Presently, however, Members asserted that mankind is giving more emphasis to creation than to natural Entropy. Both need to be brought into balance in order for sustainability to prevail.

Members call upon all governments to orient their philosophy of development, economics, environment, and human health upon a concept of creating balance between Entropy and Negentropy, and using presently available scientific know-how to create that balance.


Humanity has drifted dramatically away from a harmonious relationship with water.  We have adopted an economic approach to water that does not fully reflect the value of water to humanity. That economic approach also fails to distribute water and its benefits in an equitable and just manner. To sustain life on Earth, we must transform our current anthropocentric economic ‘management’ of water towards a life-affirming ethical approach to water (LEAW) that will recreate a harmonious relationship between humanity and water. LEAW requires that water justice and indigenous norms govern all human activities affecting water and aquatic ecosystems.

Justice requires that we share water and its benefits equitably.  As a matter of international law, national governments must provide the poor and marginalized in every society sufficient safe, available, accessible water for drinking, sanitation, hygiene and other household purposes.  
Justice also requires that we share water by means that allow for every person to have an adequate livelihood, subsistence and smallholder farmers, herders and fishers in particular. Finally, justice requires that we share the water with the remainder of life on Earth, assuring sufficient, high quality surface water is available to sustain other life and aquatic ecosystems.


Forests are of fundamental importance to the life of the planet. Covering 31% of land area, hosting much of the planet's biodiversity, and using 75% of freshwater. Healthy forests contribute to river integrity, and store more than one trillion tons of carbon. Among the human resources that the forest provides and the social benefits, we highlight the improvement in the quality of life, the supply of timber resources, medicinal plants and products for our food; they are a source of genetic resources and places for research, tourism and recreation. Forests also provide shelter for approximately 750 million people.

As all life is linked, deforestation is a grave threat to the entire biosphere. It is crucial to stop deforestation now, by increasing the government's presence in the regions that suffer from deforestation, with greater supervision and extinction of the causes of deforestation - of individuals and companies. Governments should implement National Plans to Combat Deforestation, businesses should be encouraged to adopt non-deforestation production processes, and societies must support and honour the lives and efforts of indigenous protectors of forests.


Sustainable State Model

Special Project: 2018-19


As a special project responding to the disastrous August 2018 floods in Kerala State of India, the Global Energy Parliament Research Centre formed an international consortium of scientists and researchers. Its task was to create a Sustainable State Model by studying the last 100 years of development and land usage in Kerala State and applying GEP’s innovative concepts of energy balance.

The research revealed that overall, a 50-30-20 ratio on land use should be maintained in any city, state or nation. 50% of the land should be devoted to natural land and forests, 30% for agriculture, and 20% for human living and infrastructure.

With respect to Kerala’s distinct situation, the research suggested measures to be taken for redistributing the land that will not negatively, but rather positively, impact agriculture in the state, and also make the human living areas less harmful and more sustainable in the long run.

The research also recommended that forest cover along Kerala’s coastline should be increased and buildings should gradually shift inland. More fruit-bearing trees should be planted in urban areas and along roads and highways. Also, the areas for government administration, education, housing, and industries should be consolidated in the State.

The Model was presented to the Government of Kerala in March 2019. The Ministry of Tourism accepted it as a project, and the first step of implementing the Sustainable State Model is to plant fruit-bearing trees in tourist destinations, and along roads and railways. The fruits would be made freely available to tourists and the common people.


Ministries' Priorities Acts of 2017

Passed at the 8th GEP held at Thiruvananthapuram, India from December 9-10, 2017


The Acts on the Priorities of Government Ministries are 21 separate documents recommending the means of using science to create a sustainable and peaceful society. Each Act is directed towards a distinct portfolio of government.

When science is used as a mere instrument to appease the desires of human beings, it promotes selfishness, destruction, sorrow and misery. To increase freedom and happiness through science, it is essential to initiate the study of inner science—the science of the gross, subtle and causal bodies of a human being—and this scientific endeavour should be undertaken with the same precision that is transpiring in the study of the physical sciences.

By honouring the natural laws and boundaries that are requisites for the normal growth of any organism, and keeping them in harmony within their surroundings, freedom is experienced. When maturation is reached through freedom, happiness is experienced.

Science & Technology Priorities Act of 2017: Science and Technology should become an instrument of empowerment and joy that will mould scientists and society with an awareness of negative and positive energy as well as provide leaders with knowledge about the factors essential for the survival, maintenance and growth of individuals, communities, nation and world.

Education Priorities Act of 2017: For the creation of a society that can enjoy a life of freedom and happiness, a Ministry of Education should ensure that each child is developed into a full-fledged human being endowed with wisdom, truth, discrimination, compassion, empathy, love, tolerance, and the power of expression. This can be effectively achieved through Total Education.

Environment Priorities Act of 2017: A Ministry of Environment needs to implement strong measures to protect the forest area and educate the public about the importance of trees and forests in maintaining life on Earth. Further, it should collaborate with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to create laws about the appropriate distances that industrial activity should have from human living and water sources.

Finance Priorities Act of 2017: Both a Ministry of Finance and society should acknowledge that every object in the world is wealth out of which the human being is the most valuable form. Based on such a new definition of wealth, and a new outlook on the purpose of wealth, a Ministry of Finance can skilfully maintain the balance and harmony between the rhythm of nature and the rhythm of mankind.

Welfare of Minorities Act of 2017: While being aware of the positive, negative and neutral energies in the man and the universe, a Minister for the welfare of minorities has to be able to bring about the change that enables everyone to lead a life of self-respect, awareness and happiness.

Law Priorities Act of 2017: A Minister for Law has to be aware of both laws of nature and laws for the human. The modern legal code should be imbued with the knowledge and tools to empower the humane quality of individuals.

Social Affairs Priorities Act of 2017: A Ministry of Social Affairs should protect human rights and privileges to ensure equality and justice based on tuning and refining human qualities that enable each person to observe and balance both the negative and positive elements in their life.

Culture Priorities Act of 2017: The Ministry of Culture should build a culture which refrains from igniting the animal instincts in a human being, and instead reminds humans of, and supports them in, unfolding their highest potential. The commanding force that will nourish a culture of freedom and happiness lies in the Ministry which has done a thorough examination of the changes taking place in culture and rooted out the negative influences.

Parliamentary Affairs Priorities Act of 2017: As all departments of the government are interconnected, each Minister should be equipped with proper insight into the entire system of government and while considering remedial measures for addressing any problem of society, morality has to be taken into account.

Infrastructure & Development Priorities Act of 2017: To provide and fund enough hardwood, each nation’s government can implement a massive tree planting operation by growing hardwood trees, flowering trees, fruit trees and bushes on either side of every public road and railway to reduce the quantity of carbon monoxide and keep the air clean, while at the same time generating funds for the operation.

Power Priorities Act of 2017: Governments must prioritize researching 100% safe ways of producing electricity; energy that will make people both healthier and happier.

Water Priorities Act of 2017: Governments should investigate the harmfulness of the currently used chemicals for purifying water and ensure that a harmless method of purification is implemented. Awareness programs should be instigated to make every citizen understand the link between safeguarding water bodies and their own life.

Agriculture Priorities Act of 2017: A Ministry should scientifically assess the quality of energy in the food and production process and ensure white-matter dominated food is supplied as it produces positive energy which is ideal for a healthy, happy life.

Health Priorities Act of 2017: A Ministry of Health should prioritize the development of an integrated approach in diagnosis and treatment that brings out the excellence from all approaches. At the same time a Ministry is responsible to enlighten each individual and mould a new generation which is aware of the need to protect itself against all diseases.

Defense Priorities Act of 2017: Peace is maintained when all nations have healthy defense systems that work for protection and maintenance, but not aggression. This should be the philosophy of a Ministry of Defense.

Commerce and Industry Priorities Act of 2017: It is of utmost importance that a Ministry of Commerce and Industry take decisions regarding the location of industrial projects and the purification of waste materials, with the end aim to promote production that does not pollute the Earth or poison the people.

Information Technology Priorities Act of 2017: A Ministry of Information Technology should be aware of the human need for freedom and happiness as well as the need to maintain a balanced application of knowledge. People need to be trained to become masters of equipment, not slaves.

Sports Priorities Act of 2017: For both participants and spectators, a sports event is nowadays a cause for tension and anxiety, rather than fun and joy. A Ministry of Sports should create a new awareness about the true aim of sports and make it popular among all sections of people.

Youth Affairs Priorities Act of 2017: A Ministry of Youth Affairs should implement well laid-out plans to mould the young people to be an asset to the country through programs highlighting the lives of the giants of the past and design programs to inspire youth to struggle for peace, freedom and wellness.

Labour Priorities Act of 2017: It is essential for a Labour Ministry to look beyond mere creation of jobs and work with the Ministry of Education to develop the skills and innate talents of individuals so that they can be professionally prepared for appropriate work and content in their profession.

Transportation Priorities Act of 2017: The focus of a Ministry of Transportation should be on the production and promotion of modes of transportation and fuel sources which are non-polluting and non-damaging to the environment.

Tourism Priorities Act of 2017: Tourist destinations should be promoted which assist in the development of the tourist’s emotional, intellectual and physical capacities. Neither should the tourist return home polluted nor should the places of tourism receive pollution.



The Habitat Harmony Act of 2016

Passed at the 7th GEP held at Colombo, Sri Lanka on December 11, 2016


We advocate for a new definition of habitat as “a system which harmoniously blends distinct streams of energy to maintain all forms of life in a particular environment.”  It calls upon UN Habitat and national Ministries of Housing and Urban Affairs to reorient the goals of habitat planning so as to achieve the maintenance of a state of balanced energy in the environment, civilization and home.

Research should be conducted into the ways in which the flows of energy are influenced by different categories of building materials, structures and locations, and how they can be brought into a harmonious flow. The effects upon human health, happiness and productivity also needs to be studied. This information should be familiar to planners and scientists while planning suitable habitats for mankind.

Furthermore, GEP urges all governments to institute a new policy of sustainable development, wherein at least 50% of the nation’s land is protected as wild nature, natural forest, etc., 30% is maintained for agriculture, and human construction is limited to 20%.

Hardwood is the ideal building material for residential areas as long as an equal number of trees are planted as are harvested.

Tree planting must be increased especially important in urban areas, and governments should make use of the spaces along the highways, railways and roads.


Resolutions on Total Education

Passed at the All-India Students' Energy Parliament held at Thiruvananthapuram, India on February 26, 2016


The All-India Students Energy Parliament resolves to strongly recommend that the Government of India’s Human Resource Development Ministry and State Education Ministries adopt the ‘Education for Total Consciousness’ teaching methodology in government schools from primary to post-graduate levels.

It is each citizen’s right to be educated so as to fulfil their responsibility not only to their family and  material needs, but also to uphold the heritage, culture, knowledge and power of the nation by maintaining positive energy and promoting it in the outside world. Therefore, education needs to include Energy Education about the science of energy, and how positive and negative energy are equilibrated. It is essential that each person acquires education in a rational and scientific manner, devoid of any bias of religion, economic status, caste, creed or colour. This can be accomplished by integrating the I-Theory into the current system of education.

Educational institutions should impart education in a manner that promotes scientific inquiry and an atmosphere of rational thinking and debate — as opposed to mere accumulation of information. The present education system should include a more practice-oriented approach of imparting knowledge, so as to equip students with the skills and tools necessary to fully integrate into society.

For the survival of real education, the financing of educational institutions needs to be reimagined. The mission of any educational institution should never be to make a profit nor should it be funded by money earned through means unlawful, antithetical to education, or to the total development of the individual.


The Good Governance Act of 2015

Passed at the 6th GEP held at Madrid, Spain on June 12, 2015


Good governance can achieve harmony between a community / nation and its environment. A ‘good governor’ is defined as any human being who implements and/or administers plans, actions or ideas with the intention and ability to ensure the wellbeing, harmony and happiness of others and their own self. Every human being governs their own body, thoughts and emotions—and sometimes also their family, business, community, village, city or nation.

Aware that many people govern from partial or wrong information, short-sightedness and/or materialistic desires, GEP recognizes the need for a new approach to governance based on the science of universal energy, the ‘I-Theory’. The I-Theory provides macro and micro views on the interconnectivity between everything, as everything is composed of particular arrangements of energy. Governors will gain the skill to identify the cause of a problem as an energy imbalance and the knowledge of the proper correction to be applied that can bring greater equilibrium and harmony.

In order to create future governors of such a calibre it is essential that every child be trained in Total Education to know the relation between the objective world and the subjective world, endowing them with the capacities for efficient and inclusive decision-making, critical thinking, creative ability, self-sacrifice and self-correction.



Resolutions on the Science of Peace in Humans and Humans in Peace

Passed at the 5th GEP held at Geneva, Switzerland on September 5, 2014



The Parliament resolves to promote to governments, international organizations and society at large the I-Theory and its derivative formulas for understanding the objective world, subjective world, and our human destiny.

The overall aim of the international community should be to support human life in all forms regardless of distinctions such as nationality, religion, race, economic status, or gender; to support wildlife and the natural environment; and to minimize suffering at all levels. Therefore, a comprehensive, quantifiable standard of peace should be developed which would include human life energy, human suffering, economic energy, cultural energy, environmental energy, etc. based on the I-particle as the building block of all matter.

GEP appeals to all national parliaments and governments to adopt laws to ensure the protection of humanity and promotion of humanism by implementing the ‘Education for Total Consciousness’ methodology in programs of general and professional education in all forms and at all levels.

The Parliament endorses preventive health screening and education which maintains and effectively monitors human physical, emotional and intellectual energy and such preventive steps as the major solution to health problems.

It is resolved to end gender iniquity by promoting educational programs in society which provide men, women and children with a greater understanding of the essential sameness of every living being and all energy. The programs should foster an appreciation for the apparent differences which manifest as changes in energy patterns, including gender. Service programs and activities can help individuals gain inner peace through selfless service. Service programs should also be offered to  criminal offenders as a mode of rehabilitation.

GEP resolves to offer a “Global I-Citizenship” as a commitment to oneness. The citizenship would be offered to every human being and requires them to support activities promoting the awareness of oneness, such as social service and charity activities.



Resolutions on Sustainable Economics

Passed at the 4th GEP held at London, United Kingdom on September 22, 2013


Concerned about unstable and unsustainable global economic trends, the Global Energy Parliament resolved to promote a new universal unit of fixed-rate golden paper currency. Gold would be used in the ink of the universal currency notes, which would make the value of the note the value of the gold used. This concept reduces the problems of counterfeit currency and the volatility of currencies.

Resolved to recommend this concept to every nation’s government as well as the United Nations for adoption.

Resolved to promote a reorientation to the concept of profit as meaning the human energy added to a gift of nature, never applying to gambling or speculation.

Resolved to recommend that governments reduce and eventually prohibit the commoditization and sale of gifts of nature.

Resolved that in order to increase dependability and safety of banking, to promote public-sector banking and reduce private banking.



Resolutions on Sound and the Living Universe

Passed at the 3rd GEP held at Paris, France from September 26-27, 2012


GEP resolves to request governments, agencies and institutions such as the UN, NASA, and CERN to undertake the development of highly sensitive equipment to detect particles that travel at speeds much greater than the speed of light.

The sounds of every type of matter should be studied to better understand the nature of the vibrations making up the entire universe. This research will assist many fields and serve as basis for the development of positive, corrective measures.

The chemical, molecular, atomic and sub-atomic sounds of the human body and medical treatments can be assessed in order to arrive at a more balanced healthcare system. Such findings would also help to assess the positive and negative effects of sound on the body, through music or otherwise. Free expression of positive and balanced sounds for the betterment of self and society should be promoted.

Likewise, the role of sound in education can be more clearly understood, including both beneficial and destructive sounds of the teacher, environment, fellow students, lessons, music, etc. More emphasis should be placed on harmonizing the sounds for positive human development.

A sound-to-electricity device should be developed in order to solve the current energy crisis in a humane, low-cost and environmentally friendly way.


Resolutions on the Pathways to Sustainable Health

Passed at the 2nd GEP held at Dresden, Germany on December 10, 2011


The Parliament observed that sustainable health requires a new definition of health and healthcare and a holistic approach to treatment that needs to be open to new advances like energy science and energy medicine.

Members noted that conventional medicine does not adequately convey the scope of diagnosis and therapies available in alternative branches which have much to offer, which would significantly improve the quality of healthcare as well as educational systems.

GEP recommends the establishment of a neutral interdisciplinary medicine platform wherein all fields of medicine would be invited to share their observations, exchange experiences and work out the similarities of the various diagnoses and therapies.

Resolved that research institutes should be introduced to the I-Theory and its applications in the field of medicine with background information about how greater knowledge of the I-particle would contribute to our understanding of body chemistry, body processes, life and death, as well as types of medicine and treatments.


Resolutions from the First Global Energy Parliament

Passed at the 1st GEP held at Thiruvananthapuram, India from November 12-14, 2010


At the first session of the Global Energy Parliament, all participants took an oath to fulfil their solemn duties as Members of Parliament.

The new Parliament resolved that the mission of the GEP shall be to work towards the ultimate aim of equilibrating the positive and negative energies, bringing about a vibrant and harmonious future, and establishing a world scintillating with justice, peace, equity, happiness, prosperity and welfare.

Resolved to work to develop human thought through a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between internal and external energy.

Resolved to promote and develop scientific research on the science of energy.

Resolved to promote the development of instruments and technologies which can detect energy at its most foundational level, namely, the I-particle.

Resolved to share knowledge of the science of energy with all sectors of society and to train the public in developing an understanding of and awareness about energy balance and realize its benefits.

Resolved to use the Parliament to communicate proposed legislation and problem-solving strategies based on the science of energy to decision-makers, nations, leaders and politicians.

Resolved to hold sessions at least once a year in a different country to discuss contemporary global issues and to find solutions with knowledge of the science of energy.

Resolved to establish National, Regional and Local Energy Parliaments in every country.

Resolved that Membership to the Global Energy Parliament shall be granted to anyone wishing to take part who abides by the principles of conduct, namely: selflessness, integrity, scientific ideals and leadership.

The first Global Energy Parliament