Happiness and Wellbeing


The Global Challenges

Health, Demographic Changes, Sanitation, Quality of Life

GEP’s Unique Vision

Who doesn’t want to be happy?  Any choice we make has a conscious or subconscious expectation behind it for a bit of happiness. Whether we are spending time with our family, eating a meal, concentrating on a project, straining our body in exercise, or crying our heart out, we are expecting some piece of happiness as the result. Unfortunately, most of our experiences of happiness are short-lived, which brings us again into a state of tension and desire. On the extreme scale, the incessant search for happiness creates addictions and selfishness, as we accumulate more and more of what had provided us with that happiness earlier. On the mundane scale, it is the driving force in every moment of the day, as we travel from fulfilling one desire to another.

What if we stop searching for it? Can it be found?

Happiness is in fact the state of energy equilibrium. When the “thing” we lack becomes a part of ourself (e.g,. a thirsty person drinks some water, or a greedy man gets some money), balance is reached, even if momentarily. This balance creates mental and physical peace. Our thoughts are stilled. There is no more searching or desiring.  We experience this balance as happiness, and search for ways to maintain it for longer and longer periods of time.

In essence, our most fundamental desire is sustained peace, continuous happiness, permanent bliss. When all action ceases, this happiness reveals itself as our innate nature. Happiness is who we are. 


When we look at the constant search for health, we must recognise that a healthy body and mind promote happiness, but health in itself is not the ultimate goal. Health assists us in our need to do and to experience.

Health is nothing but a state of energy equilibrium. The bacteria, viruses, and negative energies existing always inside our body are at a peaceful equilibrium with the positive energies. The negative emotions and thoughts are checked by our positive emotions and thoughts.

One of the most important factors affecting this state of energy equilibrium in the individual body, emotion and thoughts is food. Because we eat food in several times a day, the quality of that outer energy affects our inner energy. At the subatomic level, it affects our thoughts. At the molecular level it affects our physical chemistry. Therefore, paying attention to the quality, timing, environment, and type of our food is one of the most important ways to control our wellbeing.


What causes the body to live and breathe in the first place? What causes the transition from life to death? This is also one area of interest to the GEP, as even in our age of advanced medicine, no doctor can say for sure about the cause of life and death nor control it. Our research into the A1 particle will reveal how the vital energy flows in the human body, where it comes from, how it leaves, and how to keep the vital energy flowing to ensure a glowing, healthy state of wellbeing and happiness. 

Health, wellbeing and happiness are enormous areas, and GEP has some projects addressing various levels through classes, charity outreach as well as research.

Our Ongoing Projects in this Area

* “Life for Total Consciousness” Yoga-Meditation courses and teacher training

"One House, One Fruit Tree Project"

*  Vegetarian Campaign

* A1 particle research

Research on the effects of LTC Yoga-Meditation on the brain and heart 

 * “Clean Hands Project”: Awareness programmes on water and sanitation in developing countries


Our Resolutions in this Area

Resolutions of GEP 2014: "Peace in Humans, Humans in Peace"

Resolutions of GEP 2011: “Energy, Education & Environment: Pathways to Sustainable Health”


UN Sustainable Development Goals Addressed