13 May 2019
Yoga Sadhana Camp to be held in JulyMay 13, 2019: GEP Founder Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa will be leading a 6-day international Yoga Sadhana Camp from July 16-21, 2019 at the Isalayam Ashram in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
Becoming a 'sustainable human being' is a matter of balancing our internal and external energies.
Gross, subtle and I-particle balancing in the human being can be learned by practicing yoga sadhana. For this reason, the GEP teaches yoga and meditation.
Other Yoga Camps are offered throughout the year, as well as Yoga Teacher Training (200 hour certificate courses).
Those wishing to join a camp or practice yoga sadhana in the Ashram may please contact isa.viswa(at)yahoo.co.in
07 May 2019
Youth Essay CompetitionMay 7, 2019: The Global Energy Parliament (GEP) invites its Youth Parliamentarians to join an exciting International Essay Competition on "Creating a Society Full of Kindness," which aims to inspire society to learn from young minds. It also helps us to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world. Send us your essays by June 1!
The Essay Competition is open for children up to 15, and youth up to 25 years of age, anywhere in the world. In addition to writing a 700-word essay, this competition also has an activity. You must carry out 10 acts of kindness to serve as an inspiration for your essay.
“Creating a Society Full of Kindness”
What does “Kindness” mean to you? How do you think we can create a kinder society?
** Youth members, think about: How can the “I-Theory” help you understand the science behind kindness? Watch this video
1. Register as a Member of the Students’ Energy Parliament, if you are not already.
2. In addition to writing an essay, there is also an activity. You should carry out ten acts of kindness, and then use your experience as inspiration in writing your essay (your essay does not need to be about your acts of kindness).
3. Submit your essay to GEP's Head Youth Coordinator in one of the following age categories: a) Children (ages up to 14); b) Youth (ages 15 - 25). [You must be born after June 15, 1993.]
4. Essays must be 700 words or less in English, French, Spanish, German or Japanese, excluding essay title and cover page. Essays may be typed or printed and sent by email by June 1, 2019 to info(at)global-energy-parliament.net.
5. A cover page should be included with (1) your name (2) category (Children or Youth) (3) age as of June 15, 2019 (4) gender (5) nationality (6) address (7) e-mail (8) phone number (9) school name (if applicable) (10) your essay title (11) language (12) word count (13) list of ten acts of kindness you performed (describe briefly).
6. Essays must be original and unpublished. Plagiarized entries will be rejected.
7. Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays are not accepted.
8. Copyright of the essays entered will be assigned to the organizer.
9. The Global Energy Parliament is acting as a Youth Coordinator for the Contest, and is not responsible for the decisions taken by the Jury.
Entries must be sent to the GEP Youth Coordinators by June 1, 2019.
The following awards will be given in the Children’s category and Youth category respectively:
1st Prize: Certificate, prize of approx. US$900 : 1 entrant
2nd Prize: Certificate, prize of approx. US$450 : 2 entrants
3rd Prize: Certificate and gift : 5 entrants
Honourable Mention: Certificate and gift : 25 entrants
* 1st prize winners will be invited to the award ceremony to be held in Tokyo, Japan (travel expenses paid). * Additional awards will be given, if applicable. * All prize winners will be announced on November 15, 2019. * Certificates and gifts will be mailed to the winners in December 2019. * Exact amount of Prize Money depends upon exchange rates. Current rates for 100,000 and 50,000 Japanese Yen are given as of May 2019.
Ricardo Jimenez-Gomez
Head Youth Coordinator
Global Energy Parliament
Whatsapp: +91 9497859337
29 March 2019
GEP's Sustainable State Model Presented to Kerala GovernmentMarch 29, 2019: The Kerala State Minister for Tourism, Mr. Kadakampally Surendran, said that the State Government will seriously consider the Global Energy Parliament’s Sustainable State Model, which is designed to bring about greater long-term, holistic and sustainable development of infrastructure and use of natural resources by applying His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa’s I-Theory. The Minister inaugurated the Global Energy Parliament’s ‘Remoulding Kerala Sustainable State Model’ project in Thiruvananthapuram on March 29th.
"I appreciate the sincere efforts of GEP to salvage Kerala from the aftermath of the floods and provide a long term sustainable solution for its maladies," said the Minister in his inaugural address.
"The international consortium formed by GEP meticulously evaluated the last 100 years' development in Kerala State and have formulated a Sustainable State Model. It is imperative that Kerala makes that kind of retrospection in the light of such a shocking experience, and I am glad that GEP has taken the initiative," he said. Scientists from India, France, Germany, Denmark, and Chile since the August 2018 floods had been analysing the development and land usage trends in Kerala.
"Once the Remoulding Kerala Sustainable State Model is implemented, Kerala can be positioned as a global leader for sustainable living...I extend all my support to this novel project," the Minister said.
GEP Secretary Dr. M.R. Thampan submitted the State Model Proposal to the Minister, to great applause.
The function also attended by esteemed dignitaries including Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament and Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations; Mr. Kummanam Rajasekharan, the former Governor of Mizoram State; and the Member of Kerala Legislative Assembly, Mr. C. Divakaran.
His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa gave the Invocation Address, emphasizing the importance for the State Government and the people to put effort into balancing energy, not only in terms of quantity but in quality for long-term sustainability. “Total happiness and total peace will only be achievable through scientifically grounded programs like the GEP’s Sustainable State Model. Qualitative and quantitative energy balance is the need of the hour,” he said.
The first step of implementation of the Sustainable State Model is proposed to be planting fruit-bearing trees in the tourist destinations, and along roads and railways. The fruits would be made freely available to tourists and the common people. The first phase, as suggested by the Minister, will commence at Veli and Akkulam Tourist Villages.
“This initiative has several benefits, including increasing green cover in the State, reducing the effects of climate change, creating interest in tourists about Kerala’s traditional trees, and developing a culture of protection of common property,” said Dr. B. Vijayakumar, a renowned economist and the former Principal of Kerala Institute of Travel and Tourism Studies.
Also recommended in the first steps of the Project would be to increase forest cover along the coastline, gradually shift buildings further away from the coastline, and to consolidate the areas for Government, education, housing, and industries.
One of the lead scientists for the project, Dr. Christophe Dumas, is the Head of the Dept. of Solar-Thermal Energy at CEA, Govt of France, the GEP Research Centre Director. He says, “We have recommended that the Sustainable State should have 50% forest cover, 30% agriculture cover, and 20% for human infrastructure. Presently Kerala has devoted 68% of land to agriculture, 25% to wildlife and forest, and 7% to human infrastructure. This will put a lot of pressure on the State’s resources and people in the long-term.”
“The entire Model is based on the theory of energy balance described in Swami Isa’s I-Theory,” he explained. Dr. Dumas and Swami Isa have recently co-authored an article in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, entitled “I Theory: A Quantum Unifying Theory?”
The Project Coordinator Dr. Marcus Guderle is the Chairman of GEP Germany. He has done site visits and mapped out the first Phase of the project to be implemented at Veli Tourist Village and Akkulam Tourist Village with various species of fruit trees, and developing the Phase II for implementation at a larger scale.
Prof. Dr. V. Unnikrishnan Nayar, Hon. Professor of Optoelectronics, University of Kerala and Dr. George Varghese, Former Director of the Kerala Council for Science, Technology and Environment, illustrated the importance of the I-Theory in the present scientific context. Dr. Srikumar Chattopadhyey, Scientist (Ret’d) from National Centre for Earth Science Studies also gave an addresses about the long-term implications of the GEP’s Sustainable State Model.
The function concluded with a delighteful Cultural Programme by the students of the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam, a pilot school for Education for Total Consciousnes, which celebrated the conclusion of its 21st year.
GEP Founder, His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa, spoke about the long-term benefits of balancing quality of energy in the State.
The Minister for Tourism, Kerala, Mr. Kadakampally Surendran, gave the Inaugural Address
Mr. C. Divakaran, Hon. Member of the Kerala Legislative Assembly, gave the Keynote Address
Mr. Kummanam Rajaeskharan, Former Governor of Mizoram, inaugurated the IVPT's Integrated Healthcare Consultancy
Dr. Shashi Tharoor inaugurated the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam's 21st Anniversary and presented a memento to the dance instructor
Students of the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam performed a traditional dance during the Cultural Programme
14 March 2019
We are at the United Nations Commission on the Status of WomenMarch 14, 2019: The Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, organizer of the Global Energy Parliament, is at the United Nations in New York for the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63). IVPT holds consultative status, as an NGO, to the United Nations ECOSOC and participates in UN meetings to advocate for GEP's resolutions on various issues influencing policy and to build relationships with likeminded NGOs and individuals. More than 5,000 NGOs are present at this world largest gathering on women's issues, and 200 country ministers have spoken in the event, which lasts from 11th to 22nd of March 2019.
CSW63 is discussing about social protection systems for women. In our written statement for CSW63 we said, "Social protection systems for women and girls should take into account not only physical protection but also emotional and intellectual protection.
"Society must also develop a greater understanding and appreciation for what womanhood is.
"If we want serious changes to society, we must implement changes at the root level, in education. A new method of education is crucial--an education where people, knowledge and the world outside are not mere objects but related to the subject (the learner). Education for Total Consciousness is such a complete system of education. It integrates both subjective and objective learning, and the learner becomes a real human being, aware of his/her connection to the universe, world, nation, society, and environment.
"Protection, empowerment, equality, compassion, love and service of, by, and for women, can become the life’s breath of the next generation if they are educated in this way. Therefore we strongly advocate that all nations, implement the Education for Total Consciousness teaching methodology in their schools."
The Global Energy Parliament includes discussion of these issues in its global sessions, as well as advocacy for changes to national and international policy.
26 February 2019
New "I-Theory" Article Published in Scientific Journal29 January 2019
GEP Centres Start Organic Home Vegetable Garden ProgramJanuary 29, 2019: About 1 in every 6 deaths on the planet is due to cancer, the second leading cause of death worldwide. The highest rates of cancer worldwide are all in developed countries. Australia holds #1 position, with 468 new cases per 100,000 residents, followed by New Zealand, Ireland, Hungary and USA.1
GEP Founder His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa states that there are three main contributing factors to the increase of cancer rates: (1) degradation of the environment––an increase of air, water and land pollution, (2) emotional/mental changes in people, and (3) degradation of food — its contaminations and modifications.
A growing number of research studies shows the correlation between the increased use of products to "protect" crops (such as persticides and herbicides), genetically engineered/GM crop growth, and the increase in a variety of diseases in humans2,3,4. The saying “You are what you eat” seems tragically relevant here. But it's not too late to make a change!
Let's start with the basics: pure and positive-energy food. This means a diet mainly consisting of organic/non-GM fruits and vegetables. We should care about their production, from the seeds up to the harvest, as well as into the markets and kitchens. The ideal way to take care is to have our own vegetable and fruit gardens. In each house or apartment, a minimum space for planting and growing vegetables can be used. We can even use the balcony, windowsill, or a space inside.
The GEP Centres around the world are initiating an Organic Home Vegetable Garden Program to teach our neighbours how to build an organic home vegetable garden, and spread awareness about GMO's and a positive-energy diet. We'll go door to door, hold workshops, community gatherings, and cook, too!
Do you want to help? Become a volunteer, driver, gardener, or organizer. Contact garden(at)global-energy-parliament.net
1. Countries with Highest Cancer Rates. MSN. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/countries-with-the-highest-cancer-rates/ss-AAAr3yO
2. Swanson, Nancy L. (2014) "Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health in the United States of America." Journal of Organic Systems. http://www.organic-systems.org/journal/92/JOS_Volume-9_Number-2_Nov_2014-Swanson-et-al.pdf
3. R. Mesnage et al., Biomed Research International, Volume 2014 (2014) article ID 179691.
4. https://www.diseaseglyphosategmos.info/
(Photo Credit: www.balconygardenweb.com)
22 January 2019
Dutch Engineering Students Hold Plastic Awareness ProgramJanuary 22, 2019: Interns from the Netherlands were invited to the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam, the Education for Total Consciousness Pilot School, to share a Plastic Awareness Program on 22nd January. Mick Valentin and Laurens Lammers taught the children about the uses of plastic, how long different types of waste take to degrade in water (a water bottle takes 450 years; plastic bag 20; cardboard 2 months), and the multiple threats of plastic waste to the environment (i.e., air, water, agriculture, soil, and wildlife).
Finally, they shared some methods of recycling. Students made posters about the topic and interacted freely about their concerns and questions.
These engineering students from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands are on an internship in Trivandrum to design a system that cleans waste from rivers. After two months, they felt compelled to work on the root of the problem (which is always education). In December, they visited Swami Isa and the GEP to discuss ideas for creating awareness in young people.
Swami Isa emphasized that the problem of waste management has multiple sources, and will take a multi-pronged effort to combat it for long term solutions. Working with habits, culture, scarcity of land, and new technologies requires sensitivity, resources, and long-term commitment.
Swamiji also shared his views that “Waste is actually a resource—but one that someone doesn’t know how to use properly. Everything has a proper use,” he said, “but we must deeply understand Nature and our relationship to her resources in order to understand the utility of a thing.”
The 8th graders of Isa Viswa Vidyalayam had also researched the problem of plastic and found that most Trivandrum households burn waste, even plastic. 12% of plastics in the world are burnt, releasing very toxic fumes. Many people do not know the hazards to their health and the environment of this terrible practice. The students made a commitment to stop this practice in their neighbourhoods, and to start a recycling program operated by the Environment Club.
The school is now conducting a competition for who can collect the most plastic waste. It will be sent to the Waste Collection Centre operated by the Corporation of Trivandrum.
Mick from Delft University of Technology asking how many years it will take for this bottle to degrade. (Ans: 450!)
8th grade students of Isa Viswa Vidyalayam presenting about the dangers of burning plastic
21 December 2018
Massive Flood Relief CoordinateddNine tonnes of flood relief materials were coordinated by the GEP's parent organization, the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust. The container, which arrived in Kerala early December by ship from Mauritius, held food items like rice, flour and lentils, clothing, shoes, cleaning and sanitary supplies, and school materials.
The container was handed over by GEP to the Government.
Dr. M.R. Thampan, GEP Secretary, handing over the container papers to the Trivandrum District Collector, Dr. K. Vasuki
The shipment was sent to Idukki District, one of the most heavily affected districts in the eastern part of the state, in the hills. It had received 89% over average rainfall during July. Many landslides had occurred there, damaging roads and communications, which cut people off from essential services. Idukki has many tribal communities who suffered a great deal.
On December 21, GEP and IVPT volunteers drove to Adimali in Idukki to participate in the distribution of the flood relief items, coordinated by the government officials. First, with 25 government officers at a function organized by the Deputy Tahlsidar and the Village Officer, IVPT handed over items to 7 tribal leaders to take back to their people.
Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose, Speaker of the GEP, gave an address via streaming video at the function.
Another function was held at the Carmel Jyothi Special Needs School. 100 children with disabilities live at the school under the care of its staff. Before going back to their families for Christmas holidays, IVPT distributed packets of food to each of them, in the presence of the Ward Counsellor, the school Vicar and Principal, Village Officer and other officials.
They also gave items to a cancer care center which takes in very poor people.
The distribution, a total of 470 boxes, is continuing in the remote areas of Adimali.
See the photos below.
With the shipping container
Government officials with IVPT and tribal leaders.
One of two rooms full of our relief materials.
Tribal leaders receiving some items to take back to their colonies.
Students of the Special Needs School were celebrating Christmas -- just in time for "Santa" to come by with packets of flood relief materials!
29 October 2018
Hiring InternsGlobal Energy Parliament is presently offering 1-month Internships for Research Assistants. A certificate will be given.
About the Project
An international consortium of scientists will be studying data on the development of Kerala with the purpose of preparing a Sustainable State Master Plan for the future.
This State Master Plan would be based on a holistic and sustainable development of infrastructure and use of natural resources, which attaches particular importance to spatial planning, long-term approaches, life in harmony with nature, and a holistic vision.
Location: Thiruvananthapuram, India
About the work:
Selected intern's day-to-day responsibilities include:
In this internship you'll learn how to obtain the most relevant data efficiently and to effectively communicate it. You'll work in a group of international scientists with diverse skills.
You'll also have the possibility to assist with the creation of a Sustainable Development Model.
Skill(s) required: MS-Office and English Proficiency (Written), Malayalam, Internet Research
Who can apply:
Only those candidates can apply who:
Start Date: Immediately
Perks: Certificate
About Global Energy Parliament
Global Energy Parliament is an international platform for science, peace and sustainability, organized by the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust (a registered charitable trust holding Consultative Status to the United Nations ECOSOC).
To Apply: Please email secretary(at)global-energy-parliament.net with your resume or experience, and indicate your availability.
19 September 2018
Meeting with UNESCOThe GEP Speaker, Dr. CV Ananda Bose met the Director of UNESCO, Mr. Eric Falt, in New Delhi on September 19th. They shared views on the role of education and science in sustainable development and peace.
Dr. Bose presented GEP’s commitment to meeting the objectives of UNESCO in education as well as the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through our programs and actions.
“Science in the GEP is interpreted in such as way that the essential oneness between the subjective and objective is brought out,” said Dr. Bose. “There is no dichotomy between the two. When every person, from the government official to the common man, can understand this oneness, great advances will be made in peace, sustainability and knowledge.”
He presented the Director with Swami Isa’s book on “Education for Total Consciousness,” the practical teaching methodology to bridge objective and subjective learning in the classrooms.
13 September 2018
Reaching out to flood victimsMembers of the GEP who were in Kerala for the floods have reached out to the victims since the first day of the flooding, providing hot meals and water to those who were stranded, in the IVPT flood relief work.
After the floods receded, they visited evacuation camps and slum areas to view the damage and provide relief items, medicines, clothing and beds.
GEP's relief efforts are still continuing, as Kerala starts to rebuild itself and the victims of the distaster come to term with losses of possessions and infrastructure.
Flooded road in Thiruvananthapuram
GEP & IVPT distributes food to those who were stranded
GEP members distribute clothing at an Evacuation Camp
Remains of a destroyed house in Karali Nagar (Slum)
Flooded and evacuated house in slum
GEP & IVPT's distribution of relief materials
Doctor consulting patient's Xray on house visit
03 September 2018
'I-Theory' at Copenhagen Business SchoolDr. Christophe Dumas, GEP Minister for Science and Technology, gave the opening Keynote Address about the I-Theory, on 3rd September 2108 at the 3-day "Mind, Meditation and Innovation" conference hosted at the Copenhagen Business School.
In his Keynote Talk entitled "Modern conceptualizations of the Mind, its relevance to practice and experience," Dr. Dumas used the I-Theory to define the mind.
"Mind is the totality of emotions, and intellect is the totality of thought," he said. He explained how thought and emotion operate on the plane of subtle air (the A1 particle). Later, he presented a written paper to the organizers by Swami Isa, giving the background and details of this science.
He also participated in a round-table discussion on the applications in meditation with Prof. Sudhanshu Rai, Associate Professor of Innovation in Emerging Economies, Copenhagen Business School, Nithya Shanti, a spiritual teacher, seminar leader and educator, and Raman Rajpal, CEO & Co-Founder of MeghaFind in USA, on 5th September.
In that session, Dr. Dumas explained that meditation reduces the frequency of a person’s thoughts and emotions, which allows them to be in tune with lower frequency data, which is essentially more positive energy. He said that meditation allows someone to intuit positive ideas, combined with a more positive emotion, and the output will also be more positive. So meditation has a far-reaching impact in all fields of society, because everyone wants to feel, act, and create better.
Some of the other featured speakers in the conference were: Dr. Balder Onarheim, associate professor in creativity at the Technical University of Denmark; Mr. Madhavan Nambiar, former Secretary to the Government of India; Prof. Dr. Niko Kohls researcher in mindfulness from Germany; Dr. Narayanan Srinivasan, Professor at the Centre of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad, India; Dr. Aviva Berkovich-Ohana, senior lecturer, affiliated at the University of Haifa, Israel; Dr. Wolfgang Bischoff, psychologist from Germany; and Dr. Stephen Anthony Parker, yoga teacher and Director of the Council on Yoga Accreditation International, USA.
The Global Energy Parliament was invited to join the Mind Sciences in Society for Innovation (MSISFI) Consortium, a group of distinguished international universities and research institutes, headed by the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
Dr. Dumas with members of the Consortium
27 July 2018
GEP Mauritius Centre LaunchedProf. Armoogum Parsuramen, the former Minister of Education for Mauritius, launched the Global Energy Parliament (GEP) Mauritius Centre at a function in Trivandrum, Kerala which was inaugurated by the Hon. Governor of Mizoram, Kummanam Rajasekharan.
Prof. Parsuramen was presented with the GEP Mauritius Charter Certificate by GEP Secretary Dr. M.R. Thampan. He expressed his delight in the mission and vision of the GEP in education, sustainability and world peace. Quoting from the UNESCO preamble, he said, "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.”
“What type of education we’re talking about--it’s not the instruction, but the transformation it brings about,” he added.
Prof. Parsuramen had been the Minister of Education in Mauritius for 13 years, following which he had worked at World Bank (1997-1998) and as the Director of UNESCO (1998-2011). He retired in order to devote his life to “giving back.” He presently runs the charitable Global Rainbow Foundation, which empowers differently abled persons and vulnerable groups through education and training, and provides them the opportunity for holistic human development.
“I fully appreciate the opportunity of being in the divine presence of His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa and his guidance and blessings to me have re-energized my determination to serve humanity,” said Prof. Parsuramen.
Swami Isa, Founder of the GEP, charged the new GEP National Centre with bringing GEP’s vision of global energy balance to the people of Mauritius, and inviting them to contribute to the movement to empower ‘humane’ beings all over the world.
A few days later, Prof. Parsuramen met with the Speaker, Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose, in New Delhi.
Welcome to GEP, Mauritius!
Prof. Armoogum Parsuramen (Center), the new President of GEP Mauritius, with Sri Kadakampally Surendran, the Kerala State Minister of Tourism (Left), His Excellency Kummanam Rajasekharan, the Governor of Mizoram (2nd Left), Dr. M.R. Thampan, GEP Secretary, and His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa, Founder of GEP (Right).
22 April 2018
Earth Day Message 2018In honour of Earth Day 2018, the Global Energy Parliament is sharing one of its suggestions made to each country's Ministry of Environment, in the "Ministries Priorities Act of 2017":
"1.2 The Ministry of Environment must implement strong measures to protect the forest area of the land. The Earth needs a balance of 50% dense forests, 20% small scale forests and 30% human habitat. Maintaining this ratio will keep the harmony of life on Earth."
When every country is able to maintain this ratio, the impact of human behavior on the environment will largely be rectified by nature itself. As GEP Founder Swami Isa says, forests are the lungs of the Earth, and life energy flows well to all living things when forests are healthy.
A fundamental change of mindset needs to happen first, which is to realize that Nature is not for exploitation to serve the endless flow of human desires.
So this Earth Day, share our Resolution! Write to your Ministry of Environment to ask how they can implement it.
26 March 2018
Vegetarian CampaignDuring 2018, Ricardo Jiménez, Spanish GEP Coordinator, spoke about the Global Energy Parliament in several Toastmasters meetings in Madrid, where he is an active participant and winner of speaking competitions.
One of the GEP's contributions is to bring awareness of the importance of actively participating in society through projects to enhance and balance the planet we live on, he says.
“One practical way of contributing,” he said, “is through the reduction of meat consumption. Global warming is a fact, and animal agriculture is one of the biggest contributors to the greenhouse effect.”
The methane generated by the animals, in conjunction with pesticides used to harvest crops to feed animals, is one of the largest human-made contributor to greenhouse gasses (said to be the first, second or third largest, depending on the source).
It is also a leading cause of deforestation, water and air pollution, and biodiversity loss. Therefore, Mr. Jiménez argues, one of the best things we can all do for the planet, for animals, and ourselves, is change our diet.
He has started a public awareness campaign about vegetarian diet in Spain and Germany.
Read his latest article: "The Benefits of Vegetarianism from a Scientific Perspective"
16 March 2018
Stephen Hawking's Quest for the Theory of EverythingPhoto: REUTERS
Stephen Hawking’s enormous contributions to modern scientific knowledge were manifold. His passing leaves a great void in the scientific community, and also in the whole of humanity. He revolutionized the popular awareness of physics, black holes, galaxies and the universe, while responsibly demonstrating the power of the scientist over the masses.
Dr. Hawking was not shy of publicity, but used his fame to inspire and incite curiosity in people. “Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge,” he said.
Often writing and speaking critically about current issues including politics, Dr Hawking shared his dismay about the present condition of the world due to human intervention. “We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity. We cannot remain looking inwards at ourselves on a small and increasingly polluted and overcrowded planet,” he said.
This is one public life which demonstrated clearly the end goal of scientific knowledge is not the accumulation of more stuff, or fame, or comforts, but real compassion, humaneness and joy. He was so human—brilliant—yet so warm, humourous, and down-to-earth. His incredibly vast knowledge about the universe was perhaps the reason for his humaneness, for he had attained a wide vision about how things all fit together—in himself and in the universe.
Not only that, but Dr. Hawking was a rare example of living proof of the power of the mind and intellect over the limitations of the physical body. He was never held back by his disability and instead chose to focus on what he could do, rather than could not.
His lifelong quest to find a Theory of Everything—which would merge knowledge of things on the grandest scale (cosmology and Relativity) with knowledge of things on the smallest scale (particle physics and quantum mechanics) is perhaps the area where he will be most sorely missed by us at the GEP Research Centre. We lament that we never had the opportunity to introduce our Theory of Everything to him (the “I Theory”), to demonstrate how the smallest particle is linked to the largest scale of the universe, and also to the innermost core of the individual: our emotions, intellect, and very life itself. It teaches us that each life is thoroughly logical, but entirely precious--a brilliant light in a shining cosmos.
We think he would have liked that.
11 December 2017
GEP 2017 Parliamentarian Award WinnersThe Global Energy Parliament awarded several outstanding individuals who participated in GEP 2017 at Thiruvananthapuram, India. Lady Carla Davis of Australia distributed the trophies at the Valedictory Function on December 10.
The winners are as below:
Best Minister: Dr. Christophe Dumas, Head of Solar-Thermal Division, Centre for Alternative and Atomic Energy (CEA), Cadarache, France He had presented a Bill on the 1st day and explained the physics aspects of the "I Theory" and always assists others to understand the science of energy and its qualities. He is also working on several research projects related to "I Theory" and renewable energy.
Best Parliamentarian: Dr. P. Krishna Kumar, presently working as Associate Professor in Economics ad Kerala Law Academy, Law College, Trivandrum. Earlier was Associate Professor of Economics (Ret'd), M.G. College, Trivandrum. He had presented a Bill on on the 2nd day and drafted several Resolutions.
Best Submission: Dr. Sujakshi Haridas, Physician (Ret'd). She spoke wonderfully about the holistic vision of health propagated by the GEP. She also responded to several other submissions and was very engaged throughout the parliament, also in organizing.
Best Student Minister: Anusruti S.S., Govt Law College A very engaged member of parliament and a terrific speaker, who clearly outlines how I Theory can be applied in Law and can uplift society through it. Threw herself completely into the parliament with all of her heart.
Best Student Parliamentarian: Paras Dubey, 5 years Integrated M.Sc. Economics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Jammu & Kashmir. All-round very committed and dignified young parliamentarian hailing from Jammu & Kashmir who acted as the Minister of Economics
Best Student Submission: Anoop Krishnan H., BA Journalism Mass Communication and Video Production, Mar Ivanios College Thiruvananthapuram Another all-round wonderful parliamentarian who has ability to frame wonderful questions, interact with all, pushing the agenda of GEP forward and representing the youth of today who have a sense of wonder, curiosity, purity and self-sacrifice.
GEP congratulates all the winners.
10 December 2017
GEP 2017 Held in IndiaThe 8th annual session of the Global Energy Parliament was held on December 9-10, 2017 at the first Assembly Hall of the Kerala government at the State Secretariat, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. GEP 2017 was organized by the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, holding Consultative Status to the United Nations ECOSOC.
360 people from 16 nations participated in the session, which included a one-day Global Student’s Parliament. The Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha (the upper house of the Indian Parliament), Prof. PJ Kurien, inaugurated the parliament and chaired the first session. The theme of the parliament was “Science for Freedom and Happiness.”
18 Questions, 28 Submissions and 2 Bills were presented. The parliament concluded with unanimous passing of the Bills and Resolutions, which will be made available shortly. The Students' Parliament concluded with appointment of various Campus Ambassadors to take the message forward. All Members were delighted with the two day parliament and will be continuing their work as Ministers and in various Committees.
The organizers thank the Kerala Legislative Secretariat's Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training, the Nirbhaya Debating Society, Personal-Point GmbH-Germany, and GC Avocats-France for their support and assistance for holding GEP 2017.
09 January 2017
In Memoriam - Sir James Mancham With great sadness we learned about the passing of our valued Founding Member, Sir James R. Mancham (Former President of the Republic of Seychelles). Sir James passed away peacefully in his sleep on January 8.19 December 2016
The Founder's Proposals for Habitat Harmony At GEP 2016, Founder Swami Isa presented several proposals to achieve habitat harmony, including legislation for environment and building construction.